Always the considerate fellow, the usually very cooperative Chance did do his best to make saying goodbye a little bit easier for me by pulling on his lead rope like a super sized sled dog at the Iditarod start line and being on his very worst behavior this morning. Actually I think he was just worried about the does he has been pining over from the other side of the fence the last month or so while he has been in rut. He is on his way to a new home and some new girlfriends today, and I am sure once he sees those pretty new does he will forget all about his old girlfriends here, he is still a male after all. I don’t know about our does, but I know I won’t ever forget him and his colorful influence will live on through his daughters here on our farm for a very long time to come as the chief herdsire torch has now been passed to the other bucks here on our farm. So long old friend, I am so glad I had the “Chance” to know you.
2 weeks ago
He's a handsome guy!
Its never easy saying goodbye to one of our goats. They are like childen to us. I bet he is really enjoying himself though. Frosty Dan will be leaving us soon and I know I will cry. I don't even need a leash with him as wherever I walk he is right there beside me.
Thanks Amy & Peggy! Times like this I just have to tell myself that if I am going to get anywhere with our goat farm I have to make decisions with my head and not my heart alone.
Frosty Dan sounds like a wonderful fellow!
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