October 06, 2009

Test Your Goat Knowledge

I found this neat and interesting quiz that will test your goat IQ the other day. You should give it a try! Click Here to start the goat quiz!


Christy said...

I got a 76. Thought I'd do better. I wish our 4H did this instead of poultry judging. Logan would love it!

Mom L said...

Well, it's just not meant for goat virgins!!! I didn't even have a clue about the first question! I gave up. Just like that. Coward. I'll have to go back to see if I can answer ANY of the questions!

Nancy, goatless in Iowa

Jennifer said...

Yea, that first question is a bit of a boring question to most people to start off with but they get more interesting and fun as you go along.

Here is a hint I didn't figure out until I had answered a few, but if you click "submit" after each question you answer it will tell you if your answer was correct or not and give you a "next" box to go to the next question.

Boozy Tooth said...

The link wouldn't load for me, so I'll have to come back.

Miss you at Casa Hice, Jennifer!

Jennifer said...

Hi Alix! It seems to take a minute to load even with high speed internet. It loads the title then takes a bit to load the rest of it. You may just not have waited long enough.

Heather said...

Hmmm....i love goats, but I fear I wouldnt do so well on this quiz...