I would like to introduce the newest face at Shiloh Prairie Farm! This cute, little guy doesn't officially have a name yet, which is terrible since he has been on the farm for a month but none of the names we have thought of seems to fit him. He is a purebred Nubian buck so the name we pick out will be on his registration papers. We want it to be something that fits him. His sire's name is Sargent Pepper so we thought maybe we should name him Dr. Pepper but it isn't for sure yet.
Right now we have been calling him baby because he is still on a bottle and he cries like a baby if we leave him. He has another goat with him so he isn't alone but he wants my husband or I to stay outside with him. He also starts "crying" (which is really just yelling) about the time he gets his am bottle, pm bottle and grain. He has a very sweet personality, he loves his bottle and his grain. He eyeballs the cat when she gets too close to his food, then stamps his feet at her and he loves the company of people. He follows us everywhere we go. "Baby" may be OK now but it sure is not going to fit him when he is a big, grown buck.
If you are wondering what the drink cup is that in the pictures he seems to want so bad it is because I have been using it to take a little bit of grain to him twice a day. This was probably a bad idea because now every time he sees a drink cup he wants it. I don't think any soft drink is going to be safe around him for a long time.
This buckling is a little too young to breed any does this year but hopefully by next fall we will see some nice dairy kids out of him. The plan is to have a very small but quality herd of dairy goats in the near future on the farm along with the Boer goats we have now. I will be posting more about our new addition to the farm when we decide on a name and as he grows up.
2 months ago
Love the spots, Jennifer. And he looks good! The young guy has a big job to do for you someday...right now it seems he is putting you to work. He is sure to be a tame buck.
Take care, Mary
He's a cutie! Love those spots.
I think Dr. Pepper is a great name.
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. He's cute with all the spots. We have 5 males, and all of ours are real sweet. People are always asking me if the bucks are mean.
Well, that is one handsome fella! :) And we got to love the Nubian Noise! Keep us updated.
I love his markings - he reminds me of a fawn!
Nancy - goatless in Iowa
Oh my he is soooo cute. I love all the white spots on him, it gives him a unique appearance... and I think Dr Pepper is an appropriate name! :)
heh heh
Sargent Pepper
Call him Lonely Heart
heh heh
I am showing my age.
heh heh
Our boy was the same way when we were bottle feeding him. All he wanted was us all the time. He is still the most attached to us, but does like hanging with the goats now too.
Thanks for the comments on my blog... I really did cheat on that fall photo. It is probably just as brown here as in your neck of Kansas! LOL I bumped up the color with post-processing.... to make it look a little more appealing!
Oh!!!! He is beautiful! I miss my Nubians. I think Nubies are the prettiest goats with their long floppy ears, soft brown eyes and quirky and loud personalities. Baby Nubians are some of the prettiest animal babies around .
Nubians are my favorite breed of goat. Please don't tell Bella or Sophie. They are our Alpine and Nubian mix girls. We will be looking for a buck in the spring to breed the girls to. Baby or whatever you choose for a name will be a luck guy.
this one one very cute/handsome goat.
Love the spots, Sargent is my brother-in-law's last name and now it's my sister's.
Oh, this brings back memories of when our boys were babies. They grow so fast and the name "Baby" will not work when he's full grown and looking like King Kong. Nubians are the most beautiful goats of all. Enjoy every moment.
Jennifer, thanks for the comment. I am sorry Joker was such a smooth operator. I will pray for mild February weather for you to kid in! Can't wait to hear when kidding season begins. So, did the new kid on the block get a name yet?
Baby is a very handsome young lad, Jennifer. Congratulations on his arrival.
That cup business is very funny! Make sure to keep your martini shaker away from him!
Btw... I just returned from my travels to NY and my first order of business is catching up with my favorite blogs. It feels like I've been gone forever! I've really missed everyone so much and am happy to be back home in Florida.
It snowed while I was in NY - which was a fun treat, but it made me realize I've completely forgotten what real cold is like. Brrrr!
He is so adorable with all those spots. I can't wait to see what his name is.
His is too CUTE and his his SPOTS! Oh, goodness, I just read the comment before me, but I'm not deleting mine lol. I guess Baby is just that striking. Hope you get a name for him soon.
I love to stop by your blog and find cool Honest Scraps about Goats. That's the reason why I nominated you for a blog award, stop by Pagan Culture and claim it ;)
He is Beautiful!! I am hoping that a buck with spots will be born on the farm I am getting one from next spring.
I think Lieutenant Dan would be a cute name!!lol
My daughter took a look at the photos and came up with the name "Smores." He does have a chocolate and marsh mellow look to him. And he does look like a sweetie.
He is adorable!! You're right, I don't think any drink cup is going to be safe from him now!!
What a doll! He is gonna throw you some purty-purty babies! Will have that Beatle song in my head all day now-lol. Am thinking on the same lines....No More Lonely Hearts & just call him Sweetheart-lol. Although Dr Pepper is my favorite soda:)
I honestly have to say I'm not a huge goat person but those pictures had me "oooohing" and "awwwwing". He looks so sweet and I love that he "cries" when he's feeling lonely...that is just so sweet.
Thank you for stopping by on my SITS day! Sorry it's taken me so long to make my way around!!
He looks just like a baby fawn!
beautiful Nubian buckling - they are distinctive personalities especially bottle boys! We have a mixed breed herd and the births since getting a Nubian buck are so much easier - very healthy babies but they seem so tiny after years of a Boer buck! You know that the original Dr. Pepper bottling plant was in Dublin Texas - so if you wanted to be a little obscure - he could be Dublin. Nothing as fun as goat kids - we don't make a penny on ours but they are such entertainment and company!
What a cute little guy!
Hi! we also have goats! we had a little Nubian buck who looked like the spitting image if your little fella! we also called him Baby, because we couldn't figure anything else...well he surely is very handsome.
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