Hope is an excellent mother to her kids, a trait that is held in high regard on our farm. She has raised all of her kids herself and in fact the reason she has that funny looking ear that kind of sticks out is because she lost part of her ear a few years ago while protecting her newborn kid from a pushy dog.
Hope is predictable, and I love that about her. She has had twins every year with no health problems or complications, and just to be extra considerate of us she usually has them during the day as well. That Hope, always thinking about others! We don't like to over-work our goat mothers here so we typically only breed them once per year. Hope also holds the farm record for most doe kids born! Now I know it is the buck that determines the sex of the kids so maybe she is just lucky but for some reason Hope has girls...lots of them. Out of the ten beautiful kids she has had, eight of them have been girls! She kept up her predictable pattern again this year by having two more girls with no problems at all.
Her first kid born this year is a pretty 8.5 lb brown and white paint with a large, very square brown patch over her shoulders. Kind of looks like she is wearing a backpack, and we have already started calling her backpack as a means of identifying her from her sister. She is resting near her mom Hope in the picture above after filling her belly with colostrum.
It is true that in our herd we currently have four of Hope daughters (actually 6 right now counting the new ones born yesterday) and two granddaughters of Hope. That is actually one of the reasons Hope will forever have a home on our farm. Since her daughters are high enough percentage Boer they can be registered as Purebreds with The American Boer Goat Assoc, she has made a huge contribution to building the Purebred Boer part of our herd through her daughters and granddaughters.
Hope has been such a good goat for us and I think if a goat produces lots of kids for you, is always healthy and never causes any problems for years she has frankly earned a lifelong home, which she will have here on our farm.
In the herd Hope isn't a shrinking violet, she is not that herd wimp that needs me to stand over her food dish and guard it from the other goats for her. She gets in there and stands her ground to any of them. She was disbudded before we bought her but she doesn't let the fact she does not have horns slow her down, she has a perpetual small bald spot on the top of her head from butting heads with the horned goats but she don't back down, yet she isn't a bully either. She has never caused any problems in the herd, and her funny, deep "tug boat" (that is what my husband calls her) almost sheep like BAAA makes me laugh. She likes tums and graham crackers and has quite the personality.
I am still waiting on Hope's other daughters, Nifty, Heart & Party to have their kids as well as six other does that are due any day. I hope the beautiful weather that was here for Dot and Hope's births sticks around for the rest of them!
Congratulations to Hope the Beautiful Boer Goat! Many goat kisses from Isobelle!
I'd want to keep them all! I would love to have some goats :-)
Hope's kids are beautiful, both in color and size.
I never have had a doe year, but I am this kidding season.
Best wishes for more great kids, especially in perfect spring weather.
Congrats on the babies. They are beautiful, and I agree Hope has earned the right to stay on the farm forever. I have three that will kick in their retirement plan this next year. So far, I am having a doe year (11 girls; 3 boys). We'll see when all the June babies arrive.
Congrats, they're lovely!
Love baby goats Congradulations
Oh how sweet. I am hoping for some doelings myself this year. We had the year of the buck last year too.
So sweet! Hope the other kids come along soon and are all healthy and happy!
Goodness you have a lot of goats around there! We're waiting for our 1 pregnant goat to kid in May. I hope to breed 2 this fall.
She sounds like a very sweet girl! And those babies are gorgeous!
OHMYGOODNESS!!!! What an adorable little wee goat - I want one! If only they stayed that small! You should try to create a new smaller breed - good for staying in the house!
Cute Kids, great coloring! :)
LOL @ "backpack" my kids would have said "Dora" since Dora always wears a backpack. They are all so cute. I love goats.
The pictures are so cute!
I'm a city girl who moved to the country last year, & the transition hasn't always been easy! My favorite thing about living in the area is all the farms (particularly, the farm animals!). I always joke with my boyfriend about owning a goat, & he says, "No way, you'd want to bring it in the house!"
I'm new to blogger, & blogging in general, but I look forward to getting started & hearing more!
They are adorable little ones.
Makes me want one. But I'm afraid I'll get addicted. And I have enough critters.
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