That is what my calendar says on it today. Yep..the official start of spring and green grass, cheerful flowers, warm days and all that good stuff.
Apparently my calendar is a big, fat liar because these pictures were taken earlier today. The poor robins huddled under the eaves outside my kitchen window agree with me. This is not Spring. Did I wake up in Maine? What happened to global warming? Will I get to make an Easter snowman this year? I can't be too grumpy about it, I mean after all how often do we get over 8 inches of snow (so far!) on the 20Th of March? Not that I can ever remember! Happy Spring y'all!
2 months ago
Growing up in the snowbelt, I often felt like an underachiever because our spring never looked like the pictures! In NE Ohio, we always got one last winter storm in March. Always. It wasn't until I moved south that I found springtime weather in spring. So, I do feel your pain. A little. :)
Ummm, it was 71 degrees in Maine today. I wore shorts. Sorry, I think we may have stolen your spring.
It was 62* up here in Montana....
Oh my! Happy spring? I'm waiting for something like that to mar my perfect start to spring. It's been such a rough winter for us here that it's hard to believe it might be behind us.
Happy First Day of Spring!
What a dirty trick for Spring to play on you.
Hope Spring shows up soon.
So much for our spring! I guess we have to wait some more.
I must beg to differ about this (the snow) being unusual for March in Kansas. Many of our biggest snowstorms have occured in March. It's just amuzing for the storm to come in on the first day of spring after such lovely weather the day before. It's just old mister winter wanting to make a memorable exit. :)
Hopefully Spring is under that blanket of snow , just waiting to show off for you. We've had gorgeous weather this month , but I'm waiting for what my late MIL always called a " cold snap " before Easter. My tulip tree opened up yesterday , so I'm sure we'll have another frost soon (LOL).
~ Happy Spring Blessings ~
We are getting rain, rain, rain. I sure am glad it is not snow, may yours melt soon.
It was a lovely first day of Spring here in Ohio yesterday, it was sunny and 70 degrees!
we've got a cold rain today, you can keep the snow
So that's where our snow has gone. We've only gotten a skiff lately and usually spring is when we get our big wet snow storms. It had better rain for the last two years we had been just coming out of a eight year drought. Drought is a terrible thing. Of course flooding isn't too great either. So lets pray for something in between. You have robins ours just arrived yesterday so spring has got to show its head soon.
Maybe you could make that a snow-BUNNY !
well, this is the lion part.
Sounds like you are ready for the lamb!!!
We had weather in the mid 70s- and it's headed your way, I know it!!!
Poor robins....
It turned cold here too, but luckily not enough to snow. Only rain.
It is pretty, though!
I remember spring snows in NY. They were typically just dustings, but they still deflated the old spring mojo. Love your sense of humor about it all. Hopefully, for your sake {and those poor Robins!}, it will melt quickly.
Hang in there Jennifer.
We were teased by a couple of high 50 days and then back to the 30s. Now we are grateful for those mid 40 degree days again. Spring just wants to keep us in our place.
Oh, Yuk! I feel for you and the Robins.
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