August 02, 2011

Satan Called....He Wants His Weather Back.

Kansas is starting to feel like a desert. Normally I like summer, but this heat has been oppressive to say the least. The dry heat hits you in the face like walking into an oven and the brown grass crunches under your feet. I swore after the winter we had I was not going to complain about the heat in the summer but come on! Week after week of 100+ temps and I finally just had to give in and say something! I look at the drought maps on the weather website and see how this drought is spreading up from Texas like a cancer. It is 111 degrees today, I am doing all I can for the animals but still I worry about them. We need a break and we need rain, after our hay is put up I think I am going to Google rain dances....yes things are just about THAT bad.


  1. You said it, "It's THAT bad!"
    I'm worried about my animals too. I feel like I'm living in a kennel..we've got all the dogs in the house..ugh! But, what are ya supposed to do? I can't leave them out..they'd die. I'm making mud puddles for my chickens but the cow and the horses...hmmm..
    Stay cool,
    Berte in Texas

  2. i hear you. at least you have dry heat. we have been in the upper 90's for almost 3 months. everything is dead. no one can water that much. we have had no rain but the humidity!!!! can't breathe when you walk outside. My windows are all wet all the time and everything is rotting. it is horrible with no relief in sight!

  3. I am with you on this. Totally ready for autumn. Just when I think it can't get worse, IT DOES. Unreal. Leaving work early tonight to put the chickens up. We normally put them up before we leave for work, but I didn't want to close up the coop this afternoon!!!

  4. I don't know how anything is surviving. NM finally got some rain; let's hope it is headed your way.

    I also worry about the amount of pollutants we're adding to the atmosphere with all the AC pumping across the nation. Seems like adding coals to the fire, doesn't it? (I'm just as guilty as anyone, though we have a programmable thermostat so we can raise the temperature during the day when we're not home.)

  5. OK, I officially vow to quit whining about how hot it is here in GA. 111 degrees in KS!?! Lordy!

  6. It's been quite hot here as well! But it isn't too bad today though.


  7. I keep in touch with my relatives in Kansas and hear about that heat on a daily basis. Yikes!!!!!

  8. I do so understand what you are saying. I spent 51 years in and outside of Fresno, CA. Nothing for it to be 113 for 4+ weeks running and the low at 5AM is 80. No strangers to droughts either.

    The last 21 years were the worst because I had the goats then and worried so about them. The Nubians and LaManchas took it better than the Toggs.

    Now that we have spent 4 years and are an hour +/- from the coast in Nor. Cal we are rather spoiled. But we have still been through a drought, some toasty days in the summer and the lightning strike fires.

    Just getting out of the heat isn't a cure all. My goats have had the darnedest stuff up here since we have a much wetter climate.

    You all are in my prayers!

  9. I live in NW Louisiana and it has been 107 day after day. I called my mother and told her that the Rapture did happen, we just didn't know it. But now I'm sure I am in hell.
    No rain and the heat is on. I lost 2 of my 10 chickens. They were the weakest, but still...


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