July 11, 2011

Vegetable Garden Could Get Woman 93 Days in Jail

I can't help but think after watching this video that we live in a time where too many people are too worried about controlling every little harmless thing that everyone else does. This woman's garden is neat, clean, attractive and well maintained. What is the problem? I say prosecuting this case is a complete waste of taxpayer's money and the good people of Oak Park should keep that in mind when elections and time to vote for city officials comes around again.


  1. I saw this! What the heck is wrong with people these day?!?! This is a classic example of government gone mad!

  2. Oh please let this go to a jury trial, and let them throw it out in about 5 minutes. Or, better yet, let there be a massive local letter and phone campaign, with the locals telling their elected officials where they can go with their "nice grassy" (waste of water and toxic fertilizer) "front lawns..."

    What if she had a nicely xeriscaped front yard like they have in the southwest? Would that be suitable?

  3. "Here's a quarter call someone who cares".

    Thanks for including this on your blog it is now on my FB page. And we don't think we have trouble right here in River City. Wake up folks they have stolen your country!

  4. Ridiculous! Grass is suitable and growing food is not? Please.

  5. marnilla@wordpress.comJuly 11, 2011 at 10:31 PM

    Absurd. Grass is okay, but vegetables are not?

  6. Wow! I didn't watch the video yet though.


  7. How very sad. Our nation is lawsuit happy. This should be overturned or thrown out. I would like to kick the judge that ruled on this (one) in the keister.

  8. That's crazy. Sometimes I think they are just looking for ways to bring money into the struggling town budgets.

  9. this would not happen in Brittany where it is expected that people will get on with their own lives and leave others alone!

  10. PS 'suitable' does not equal 'common', silly man in suit!

    In these days of food shortages and famine I think she should be praised and not prosecuted

  11. This is an hour from me and the area is considered very conservative on their city. It's a shame because I would rather see someone taking care of their family and making sure everyone eats well than doing nothing at all.

    I hope it goes to court too and gets thrown out.

    Another town out here is fighting over the ability to have a couple of egg laying hens in their back yards.

    Amazing what we waste our time and money on.

  12. Makes you think this planet is going crazy. I heard about the same thing about a butterfly garden, it looked overgrown and Austin wanted her to mow it all down.


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