If the weather is nice I let them kid out naturally in the pasture, though I will often move the new mom and kids to a covered kidding pen, (especially triplets as they tend to be a little smaller) for the first few days because we do have so many hawks and large owls here. Our livestock guardian dogs are very good and they are alert to predators in the air as well as on land but I would rather be safe than sorry. That is usually what I do but to be honest, after so long I got tired of going out to the pasture every few hours to check on these last five hold-outs so I moved them to the backyard where I could more easily keep an eye on them the last few days. It is actually pretty nice because I can see them by looking out the living room window; not that it is doing me any good because every time I look out at them they are just laying there looking right back at me while smacking and chewing their cud defiantly with a goaty smirk on their face and absolutely no signs of labor to see.
I guess I should not be impatient because it is probably my fault. I have spoiled them with tasty alfalfa, chin scratches and treats but my bribes backfired. I reckon they know a good deal when they have it. I guess that is a good reason to hang onto their kids as long as they can, but I know in the end they will bless us with some really nice goat kids that will be well worth the wait...and wait...and just a little bit more waiting.
They so got me wrapped around their little hoof.
Forget ancient Chinese water torture, waiting on these goaties to have their babies is way worse!
I remember those days well! We haven't had any kids born here since '07 though and we're not planning on breeding for awhile now too since we have 43 goats here which gets a bit overwhelming at times but now we're able to go on vacations, etc. since my Mom and I are planning a trip to Michigan next week and going to Georgia the end of June with my parent's, this will be my Dad's first time to Georgia. Good luck with the rest of your kidding season Jen!
LOL! I'd wait too if I was getting special food and attention.
I love your story! And I went back and read the doe code of honor - I can't imagine the waiting!!!
Nancy - goatless in Iowa
Trust me, I understand. That little avatar there should have gone last week but she just looks at me sweetly every morning.
waiting on baby goats is like watching water and waiting on it to boil.
Thanks for stopping by. Someone sent me the Does code when our China was holding on to her baby, I thought it was written to fit her beautifully.
Now I have another momma who was kep with the buck and again, no exact breed/due date, so I will be in for it soon.
Just look at that comfortable darlin'. Keeping you in suspension, no worries on her end.
When they decide to go, after their private doe meeting, they will go at once.
No doubt about it!
maybe the old saying is true...a watched pot doesn't boil! quit looking!
Don't you just hate those "goaty smirks?" My kids used to give me the same treatment. And by kids, I don't mean goats.
Nifty sure is a plump little gal, isn't she? Very cute. Let us know as soon as the blessed event occurs. XO
Wow! That's a lot of hold outs! Can't wait to see more new kids!
Good luck! I hope your new additions arrive soon!
I saw your comment about not buying alcohol on Sunday in KS. PA is the same way! They don't sell alcohol in regular stores here, & all of the stores where it's sold are closed on Sunday. I assume it's for religious reasons here too, because it's also against the law to sell cars on Sundays. Lol!!
I wasn't joking when I said everything was closed! : )
Those goats will drive you crazy!
Wouldn't it be nice if the girls would read the gestation table too?
If I'm out there nosing around soon-to-deliver pregnant does, my girls give me dirty looks like, "go get a life." They refuse to deliver when it's convienient fo me!
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