A blog about the day to day life and happenings on an 80 acre goat farm in Kansas called Shiloh Prairie Farm. News and information on goats and farm life also!
wow...I never could have even imagined. thanks for posting!
It is scary. Why have we allowed them to get as far as they have? Complacency and ignorance, of which I have been guilty of the latter for too long, are the likely biggest culprits.I'd like to link back to this on my blog. Mind if I do?
Thank you both for your comments. No, Kelly that is perfectly fine if you would like to link this on your blog.
I think farmers in the eu have filed to overthrow the patent - poss. American farmers have, or should do the same.
It is the same for seeds and plants too...this is all a bit scary but as with most people, so much of this is news to us and seems to be careening out of control faster than most of us can handle, as is the whole political landscape of our country...so many changes , coming so quickly, and many, many people are struggling to just pay their bills and make sense of how to adapt or react to simple but devastating changes affecting all of the way we live, thanks for the heads up and education.(Patenting life? Seems blasphemous doesn't it? Remember Dr. Frankenstein!)
Thanks for the info. Sounds sketchy at best.
So bizarre and scary that it shouldn't be real, but it is. I am disgusted by greed and what it will make people do. This is something everyone should know is happening right here in the US and that a few powerful people are willing to sacrifice human health in the process. Thanks for bringing it up! The video was very informative.
I have been following Monsanto and all it's evil for awhile now. The small farmers cannot fight them. Several have tried losing everything they own. Losing the farm and all savings trying to fight. What we need is for someone like Oprah or Bill Gates to make a difference fighting them. It is going to take their money to fight them and they will probalbly lose all of it in the fight. I do believe if they put up the money for the fight that everyone will become aware and then the millions of people will be fighting them as well by being able to make the choice of not supporting them at the grocery store. Oh my so much to be talk about on this subject. Our goal right now should be to bring this to the attention of Oprah and many other wealthy people who have the money to help with the fight. It we do not stop them we are up a creek without a paddle. Just another reason to be self sufficient and support Homesteaders and small farmers. Of course if Monsanto gets their way they will be able to come on to the Homesteaders property and take what they have and stop us from growing food because they have patents on everything. Everyone must post this on their blog, facebook, etc....to help make people more aware of what is going on.
"It will focus on technology and the genomics platform to maximize the value created in the industry from these tools".What the hell does this jargon have to do with ANIMALS? Digusting!Let's patent the DNA of Monsanto's execs and make them pay US for the privilege of breeding themselves.
Every thing is in the genetic play ground and it is very scary.That is why so many farmers are going with the old breeds...purity.
Wow...I never knew this but it just seems horrible. What about the every day farmer? Thanks for letting us know about this.
Stopping by to say hi. Love your photos. If you drop by my blog tomorrow you will find an award waiting for you. Have a beautiful day.
There has been a case with regard to Monsantos genetic crops where a farmer has lost everything when some of the companies seeds spread into his property and they sued him because his crop now had the companies genetic material in it. Why not start a campaign to Oprah, or other world wide Celebraties with large followings.
Nothing surprises me anymore about Monsanto and big agribusiness - all of this and more is what caused my family and I to stop buying commercial meat and dairy. Just the fact that our food is not labeled whether or not it is GMO is astounding. We (the people) have so much to do, and I'm doing it one day at a time. We raise our own pigs - for meat. They are indeed no one's except our creator who made them!!
It is appalling and terrifying.
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wow...I never could have even imagined. thanks for posting!
It is scary. Why have we allowed them to get as far as they have? Complacency and ignorance, of which I have been guilty of the latter for too long, are the likely biggest culprits.
I'd like to link back to this on my blog. Mind if I do?
Thank you both for your comments. No, Kelly that is perfectly fine if you would like to link this on your blog.
I think farmers in the eu have filed to overthrow the patent - poss. American farmers have, or should do the same.
It is the same for seeds and plants too...this is all a bit scary but as with most people, so much of this is news to us and seems to be careening out of control faster than most of us can handle, as is the whole political landscape of our country...so many changes , coming so quickly, and many, many people are struggling to just pay their bills and make sense of how to adapt or react to simple but devastating changes affecting all of the way we live, thanks for the heads up and education.
(Patenting life? Seems blasphemous doesn't it? Remember Dr. Frankenstein!)
Thanks for the info. Sounds sketchy at best.
So bizarre and scary that it shouldn't be real, but it is. I am disgusted by greed and what it will make people do. This is something everyone should know is happening right here in the US and that a few powerful people are willing to sacrifice human health in the process. Thanks for bringing it up! The video was very informative.
I have been following Monsanto and all it's evil for awhile now. The small farmers cannot fight them. Several have tried losing everything they own. Losing the farm and all savings trying to fight. What we need is for someone like Oprah or Bill Gates to make a difference fighting them. It is going to take their money to fight them and they will probalbly lose all of it in the fight. I do believe if they put up the money for the fight that everyone will become aware and then the millions of people will be fighting them as well by being able to make the choice of not supporting them at the grocery store. Oh my so much to be talk about on this subject. Our goal right now should be to bring this to the attention of Oprah and many other wealthy people who have the money to help with the fight. It we do not stop them we are up a creek without a paddle. Just another reason to be self sufficient and support Homesteaders and small farmers. Of course if Monsanto gets their way they will be able to come on to the Homesteaders property and take what they have and stop us from growing food because they have patents on everything. Everyone must post this on their blog, facebook, etc....to help make people more aware of what is going on.
"It will focus on technology and the genomics platform to maximize the value created in the industry from these tools".
What the hell does this jargon have to do with ANIMALS? Digusting!
Let's patent the DNA of Monsanto's execs and make them pay US for the privilege of breeding themselves.
Every thing is in the genetic play ground and it is very scary.
That is why so many farmers are going with the old breeds...purity.
Wow...I never knew this but it just seems horrible. What about the every day farmer? Thanks for letting us know about this.
Stopping by to say hi. Love your photos. If you drop by my blog tomorrow you will find an award waiting for you. Have a beautiful day.
There has been a case with regard to Monsantos genetic crops where a farmer has lost everything when some of the companies seeds spread into his property and they sued him because his crop now had the companies genetic material in it.
Why not start a campaign to Oprah, or other world wide Celebraties with large followings.
Nothing surprises me anymore about Monsanto and big agribusiness - all of this and more is what caused my family and I to stop buying commercial meat and dairy. Just the fact that our food is not labeled whether or not it is GMO is astounding.
We (the people) have so much to do, and I'm doing it one day at a time.
We raise our own pigs - for meat.
They are indeed no one's except our creator who made them!!
It is appalling and terrifying.
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