Some pictures from a frosty morning on the farm. I have never seen frost quite like this before. How kind of this black goat to stand there so the frost would show up so much better!

Naked, grey winter trees are made beautiful.

Winter beauty.

Frosty fence and the goats just want their morning feed.

An old falling down eyesore gets a moment of beauty before she is torn down in the spring. Hopefully we will be able to salvage some barn lumber and she can continue to live on through birdhouses and picture frames.
Pictures can be made larger by clicking on them. Don't forget to go HERE and enter our blog giveaway for a chance to win a magazine subscription to Mother Earth News.
Thank you for visiting my blog Jennifer!
It seems to be quite cold there too.
Have a nice weekend!
Beautiful winter pictures, and I have never seen ice on a fence like that.I am wishing for at least one more frost, we're awash in mud, mud, mud!And mosquitoes.....
We had some freezing fog the night before and I think that was why we got such strange looking frost on everything. It was pretty interesting though!
I have never seen frost like that either. What beautiful winter photos.
wow...i've never seen frost like that either. it is beautiful!
I love how frost and snow can transform everything!
Wow! Those are really cool frost pictures! We are mud mud mud here! Not that I want it to freeze but when it was frozen at least it froze the mud too! Thanks for stopping by my place!
Great pictures!!!
Oh, these are such pretty pictures! I am jealous of the photo opportunity Mother Nature provided you!
Thanks for these!
That is beautiful ice. I've never seen it on a fence like that.
It's hoarfrost! http://ksborn.blogspot.com/2010/01/life-hoarfrost-braces.html
Look in my comments on that blogpost for another bloggers pictures that look more like yours.
Also read... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frost
The prickly frosty ice on the fence looks amazing. Your goats probably don't think so... they just want spring to hurry up and get here. :-)
It has been snowing all morning here at our house.
HOAR Frost! I'm sick of it. We had 22 days of nothing but that beautiful stuff. But it sure gets old to look at and it's down right cold when it's visiting.
Interesting looking frost. Chilly winter pics, I love the snow but I am thankful that I do not live in it. It is great to travel to though. :)
I just love how you captured the frost on the fence! It's just beautiful1
Ya'll have a fabulously blessed weekend!!!
Your fence frost was on my windshield one morning not long ago! I'd never seen anything like it - went to the car and it looked like it had morphed into an icy porcupine. I felt bad about scraping it away, but I did need to go out!! We're getting more snow now - looks like at least 4" since yesterday. Everything is again all white and lovely.
Nancy in Iowa
Frost is gorgeous!
Lovely photos..thank you
WOW! That is so interesting! I had never seen frost like that either!!! Great thing you took a picture!
Happy Friday!
Oh what frosty goodness , the pics are beautiful. I love the idea of using the barn wood to make birdhouses and frames.
~ Many Blessings ~
Wow, that was some thick frost! It was rather pretty. Nature does have some pluses in winter, but I am ready for spring. You too?
Those are some great shots! Beautiful!
The frost photos are beautiful. We had this kind of frost a couple of mornings ago when it was really foggy out overnight. When I went out to trow hay to the horses that morning ... the frost looked like in your photos ... even on the horse hairs hanging from the fencing where they had rubbed on it. That was pretty cool!
Your pictures are beautiful despite the fact that it must be cold. Luckily the lastest storm system bypassed us.
Beautiful! I hadn't seen that kind of frost before -- very cool (ha ha).
Neat frosty pictures. Been cold here to. AND WET! I'm sick of all this rain.
Hi Jennifer... we certainly have had a lot of frost lately! Beautiful pics, and you're right, the black goats really did help your photography effort by making the frost stand out even more. :)
I won't enter your MEN magazine subscription contest because... I already get that magazine! One of my favs, along with Grit.
OMG those photos of the frost on the fence are amazing!
And your reference to TMEN! I wasn't sure it was still in publication. I had 20 years of issues going back to the very first that I sold on eBay a few years ago. It was a great reference back in the day.
I think we are all ready for a change of weather...hopefully for the better.
Wow.. that ice is so neat looking!! I know it's a pain in the rear, but it does make things beautiful!
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