This is Blackberry. She is a shiny, black percentage Boer doe and one of my favorite goats on the farm. I am really looking forward to what her kids next year will look like. She is a yearling in this picture. I really like this picture of her. It can be quite difficult to get good pictures of my goats. Typically as soon as they see the camera half of them walk away and the other half of the herd all take turns crowding me and sticking their noses up to the camera. This is the reason I have a ridiculous amount of pictures of goat butts and
noses on my computer but not very many good side photographs. So this picture was the nice exception, well almost ... you just have to ignore the goat kid peeing in the background. Hey when you got to go, you got to go I guess.
lol. I love goats!! :-) they're so funny.
Well...you might know what I am going to say, I have the same problems with taking pictures. Once you catch a goat in a position that might be good, they move on. If not, they are crowding around, which makes for goofy looking pictures on my camera.
I am wondering about your kids from your black doe too! It will be interesting. :)
I can see why Blackberry is one of your favorites. What a beauty!
I have a all black weather. Photos never do his shiny coat justice :)
She's lovely.
Blackberry is a lovely girl - we have a primarily Spanish doe cleverly named Blackie who looks a bit like your Blackberry. Our Blackie has always been quite unpleasant with us - but this year she had twins - doeling and a little buck (now wether) and those babies have made her into almost loving to us!
Blackberry looks sweet - and don't worry about the kid: he/she is just doin' what's necessary!!!
Nancy in Atlanta
Very beautiful! Our Nigerien doe Allis is also completely black. I wonder if she got pregnant with the buck visitor we had over for a couple of weeks. The little ones are bound to be so cute!!
I have so many pictures of goat noses! They do love cameras. She is a pretty girl.
Lots of GREAT pictures are "ruined" by activity in the background. I once came upon a picture on Ebay taken of lamp chimney's on a deck railing and way in the background was their large dog lifting his leg over their wading pool. LOL I don't know if they noticed this when they posted it.
Her name suits her.
Thanks for popping by on my SITS day!
Oh! She is just beautiful! And you got a very good photo of her!
Pretty goat. Fitting name.
She is a beautiful goat. I have learned so much from you. I liked your video on feeding time too, I thought it was funny how the dog was in the middle of it all.
"...goat butts and noses..."
Hardly anything to complain about. Lucky!
Blackberry is beautiful! I wouldn't have noticed the other goat if you hadn't said anything.
Our wethers get so silly when they see me coming with the camera. I have some of the best photos of their ears and noses,UP REALLY CLOSE and blurred.
My Brownie is the only one that will stand still and pose.
Goats are so silly and wonderful...
Blackberry is beautiful.
Blackberry is a beauty. It is hard to get a good picture of a goat, and especially a BLACK goat.You got a great one of her. I have trouble getting good pics of my black sheep and my black cat.
Like Mary said, it will be interesting to see her kids.
wat gezellig dat je die geiten kunt houden,ik kom ook van een farm,we hadden koeien appelboomgaard en groente .
groeten OMa Nijn
I used an online translator to translate Oma Nijn's comment. It is copied below.
"what sociably that you can keep those ewes, I also come of a farm, we had cows apple orchard and vegetable.
to greet granny Nijn"
Thanks everyone for your nice comments I always appreciate them very much. The dog in the video Leslie was one of our livestock guardian dogs Dreyfus. The dogs don't get fed in the feed pen, they get fed over by another fence so I am not quite sure why he wanted to be in the middle of that chaos that day. Maybe he was curious about why the goats are always so excited to get let in that pen.
She's gorgeous..
I'm slow to get around, my IE keeps acting up when I go to certain blogs. Blackberry is darling. Yes, I go through many goat photo's before I can get a decent one to post.
she is very pretty!~
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