2 weeks ago
July 18, 2009
Yumm...The Bucks Love Zucchini!
We are up to our ears in zucchini this year and I have been giving it away, freezing it as well as using it in new and inventive ways just so it doesn't go to waste. There has just been so much of it I have not always got every zucchini picked out of the garden as quickly as it should have been. Some just got too big in the garden and I knew they would have a woody taste and yucky huge seeds in them. I was prepared to put them in the compost pile, not a big deal. I mean it is not like we are exactly hurting for zucchini around here. That is when I got the idea to slice the too large zucchini up to see if the goats would like them. The does and kids thought they were OK, but not too great. I think they just hate to turn any kind of food down because they would take them but many would drop the zucchini on the ground as if to say "bleh, why do we get the tough, overgrown ones?" Those does are SUCH spoiled divas.
On the way back to the house I held out a large slice of zucchini to one of the bucks, not really expecting him to take it. Not only did he take it but he loved it! The other buck in that pasture ran up and tried to take the zucchini slice right out of the first buck's mouth but he wasn't going to give up his treat without a fight. This started a small tussle between them that really wasn't more than a bit of pushing with some growls and posturing thrown in just for good measure. Once the apparently awesome zucchini slice was gone they were best buddies again though. Must be a male thing, I have seen my husband act the same way over a chicken wing once.
So now every other day or when I have some extra zucchini that got too large in the garden I slice it up for the bucks. I never give them too much at once because too much of anything is not good. They do love this special treat though and as long as they both have a mouth full of zucchini neither one of them get bent out of shape thinking the other goat is getting something to eat that they aren't. I wanted to share a video of them eating zucchini slices because they are quite enthusiastic and funny about it.
I also want to express my most sincere appreciation for every person that send emails and left kind comments about Dreyfus. He is very missed at our home and your kind words really mean so much. Thank you!
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Glad you're finding a use for them! It's weird that the bucks like them, but not the others.
I liked watching your bucks eat zucchini. There is something endearing about viewing them full face as they chew and their big floppy ears make them look almost pretty...but don't tell them!
I think your bucks are very handsome! So dreamy! I wish I lived closer as I think I would like to eat some zucchini with them! hee hee Goat kisses from Isobelle!
Oh, how sweet. Yours are so much more well mannered than mine. When I bring out treats I get run over! I have to pass them out from behind the gate usually. They push and shove and act like they haven't had anything to eat for weeks! Great boys you have there!
My goats don't seem to like veggies. They love bread and animal crackers though. I planted more zuccini because we didn't get a lot the first time around.
Oh! This is too cute. It looks like they have a silly crooked smile when they are chewing. Just too cute, thanks for my Sunday laugh ;)
Boer bucks have such mournful faces - but they are definitely enjoying their treats! I am continually amazed at what certain goats will or won't eat - one of my favorite does adores tomatoes and most of the others won't even take pieces from my hand. Thanks for sharing the video - I didn't comment when I read about Dreyfus 'cause I was crying - I love my animals beyond reason and even when it is time for them to go I hate that final goodbye. Dreyfus lived a good life with you - and you with him.
My fussy goats won't eat zucchini. They are gourmands; apples, carrots, beet greens, corn stalks and spinach for them!
Two of my does once had quite the battle over a stalk of spinach while another one sat right beside them. They are the funniest creatures, aren't they?
The bugs took care of most of our zucchini and squash plants early this year, but they were comin out our ears for a while!! I'll have have to tell Mr. C that we need a goat just to help us cut back on the extra! :)
Cute video! They are comical.
I think I've seen my husband get a little rough a time or two myself. tee hee
Surprisingly, goats in Niger are very picky about their food, and do not love veggies from the house the way I thought they would! They are crazy about cooked hibiscus, from which I make syrup. Funny how it turns out. :-D
I was doing a google search to find out if it was ok to give goat garden left-overs. I found your blog. We are new to goat farming and gardening. I was wondering if it is safe to give goats the ends or like you did - the extras. Is it safe to try with all the veggies in the garden? We give them tree leaves all the time - so I would guess it's ok.
Hi LoriJane! Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog. Welcome to the wonderful world of goat ownership! I think the most important rule of thumb when it comes to treats for goats is "everything in moderation". Too much of anything (other than grass hay of course) can make a goat sick but there is no problem with giving them an occasional treat from the garden. If you are growing pumpkins they love those too! Break one open for them and most goats will have a great time with it. Some things that should not be given to goats from the garden are tomato, potato & rubarb greens because they are poisonous. So use caution when feeding the leaves from some garden plants. Congrats on your new goats and I hope you will visit my blog again sometime!
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