February 01, 2010

200 Posts and a Giveaway!

Hello and welcome to my 200th blog post! It sure does not seem like I have been writing on this blog for just a couple months shy of two years! It feels like just yesterday that I wrote the very first post to this blog. Time sure does seem to fly by in a blink of an eye doesn't it?

The last two years has had its ups and downs. In some ways life has been tough and sad the last couple years. The hay was short and I said goodbye to an old friend and guardian angel. I also got to be an aunt, seen lots of beautiful new baby goats born, met wonderful people, made new friends, helped family, learned new things thanks in part to the great blogs that I follow, harvested our own garden vegetables and I have been blessed to wake up every day on this farm and living the dream I have always dreamed of the beauty and peace of country life with my wonderful husband.

My goals for the next two years is to live a more frugal life. To get back to basics, save and be more self-sufficient on the farm and in my life. I know that the last few years has been tough for a lot of people so I bet this is a common goal for many families right now. So I have decided to do something you can get big, open mouth, puppy dog smiles happy about.

I am going to give away a free one year gift subscription of Mother Earth News magazine to a lucky reader of my blog. It is six issues of a magazine that has articles and information that would be helpful to any person, especially anyone interested in homesteading, DIY projects, raising their own vegetables or just living a more sustainable life.

Now pay attention because the important instructions on how to enter for a chance to win are below.

In order to enter the Giveaway just leave a comment on this post saying you want to be entered in the contest for a chance to win for one entry.

If you don't have a blogger or other account you can still enter. Just leave a comment under "anonymous" and leave your email in your comment so I can reach you if you win.

You can also get extra entries by doing the following:
  • Blog about this contest on your blog or site for an extra entry. Please leave a link to it here.
  • Or/And tell about it on Facebook for one more entry.
  • Or/And Twitter it for one more entry.
  • Or/And Stumble it for one more entry.
So it is possible to have up to 5 entries in this contest by doing the above listed things but to get those extra entries, you MUST leave a comment on this post with a link to your post on your blog about this giveaway to get your extra entry. You must also let me know if you did any of the other things listed above so I will know how many entries to give you credit for. Otherwise I won't know to give them to you. I don't want anyone to miss an extra entry that they should have gotten because I never knew about it.

You might notice that I am not giving an extra entry for following my blog using the followers widget on the side over there. It isn't because I don't care about followers, I do and I greatly appreciate every single person that does take the time to follow my corny, little caprine corner of the blogosphere here but I want people to follow my blog because they find it interesting or funny or they just can't get enough of Peeps the lap goat and the rest of the goaty gang here on our farm, if that makes sense. I want to say thank you to every person that does follow this blog or takes the time to leave a comment, it really does make my day.

This contest is open to any reader with a US or Canadian address. The giveaway starts Tuesday February 2, 2010 and will be open until Tuesday February 23, 2010 at 11:59 PM. Central time. My impartial husband who doesn't read his wife's blog (terrible isn't it?) will draw one name and the winner will be announced on February 24th.

In other unrelated news, Pepper the goat that broke his leg a couple weeks ago while trying to jump a fence is doing well. He had a follow-up appointment with the vet and the doctor said things look good so far and he should heal well. Thank you to every person that left comments and asked about him. Things are looking good for him!


  1. I am happy to read that Pepper is doing well! I am also happy to be a follower of your blog and all the goat goings on! A subscription to Mother Earth would be a very nice win for someone, and I am happy to be entered into your contest.

    Your decisions regarding living more frugally struck a note here. My husband and I are related to and know many people who are having very tough times and it seems way to frivolous and even heartless for us to ignore them and their plight to spend too much money on THINGS. So even if times are not too hard for us, all the more to remember what money and health can be used for...others! Being creative, frugal, and thankful with all we have though really leads to a richer and more fulfilling life!

  2. Congratulations! I have really enjoyed reading your blog. Winning a subscription to Mother Earth would just be "icing".

    Have a wonderful day!


  3. I would like a subscription to Mother Earth News. I already get Dairy Goat Journal- even though my boys are useless wethers :)
    The boys, BTW, do not think much of your give away. What's in it for the goats, they ask? A bag of goat sweet feed would be much more appreciated.

  4. Sounds like a great magazine that I would enjoy and find useful. I'm with you, less is more these days and we've kind of always lived that way, so finding other ways to be more sustainable is a goal of mine. Thanks for the giveaway!

  5. Congratulations on your 200th post... and look at all your followers!

    I am not going to participate in the giveaway because I know there are many more of your followers who would benefit from it more than I - but I want to thank you so much for your generosity anyway. It's really something to set a goal to be more frugal in the coming year and then celebrate it with a giveaway.

    You are one of the first blogs I ever followed and I always love coming for a visit. I consider you a dear friend and always get a kick out of what the Shiloh Prairie Farm critters are up to.

    Rock on, Jennifer. Rock on!

  6. So glad to hear Pepper's leg is doing well. This is a wonderful giveaway idea , would love a chance at winning the Mother Earth subscription , love that mag.

    ~ Many Blessings ~

  7. hey girlie!! Count me in on the giveaway... by the way, do you have chickens? I can't remember if you do or not. If so, you need to start listening to the Chicken Whisperer on blogtalk radio every day at noon. just go to blogtalkradio.com/backyardpoultry and you can register and listen... and chat with us in the chat room. We have so much fun!

  8. Congrats! I don't need to be entered in the contest; I already have a subscription. Just thought I'd say Good Job on the blog!

  9. Oh Jennifer I would love to enter !we are in Canada so I always ask first though if I can enter . at times I know shipping etc. could be more . if it is only for those in the US. that is ok I will also post this on my fb too I've many friends / family in the states . I am daft when it comes to instructions so I hope I do it properly .
    love love the goats . last year I was researching goats and came across those tree climbing goats in africa ! have you seen them ? they look so funny all those goats squished up in a tree lol
    your blog is so nice thanks a bunch

  10. Congratulations on the 200th post!
    I would like to be entered for the magazine and I will twitter it under gafarmwoman.

    I am happy to hear Pepper is feeling better.

    Have a great day.

  11. I have subscribed to Mother Earth several different times over the years but have let my subscription lapse. So it would be nice to be receiving this fine mag once again.

  12. I am so glad Pepper is healing well. That is great news!
    Congratulations on such a milestone on your blog.

    Please enter me in your contest.
    thank you
    kaiminani at gmail dot com

    I promise not to let the goats eat the magazine if I win

  13. Time does go by so fast! I would love a chance to win! Happy 200th!

  14. Congratulations! I always enjoy reading your posts. Good to know that Pepper is doing so well. Love the puppy smiles!

  15. I would like to take this time to THANK YOU! You were such a help when we had goats and needed you. Though I no longer have goats, I still visit your site and it makes me want goats again. But it is so much easier to just enjoy them through your blog. So while you are cutting back" don't let the internet go ;-).

    Don't enter me for the Mag. I already get tons of them and I am thinking my mail lady is about ready to throw them at me.lol

  16. Congratulations! 200 posts...what a great way to look back at the years. You're a great blog-buddy; I appreciate that you take the time to go back and read every post of mine that you've missed!

    I won't enter myself into the giveaway, though Miss Chef & I both enjoyed a copy she bought a few months ago. We have so many magazines around here, I'm afraid it might go unread!

    Thanks for the update on Pepper; quite the dramatic story. But standard for a goat-filled life, I suppose.

  17. I'd like to be entered for a chance to win.

    Congratulations on your 200th post.

  18. thanks for finding me on Face Book. I look forward to reading your blog. I love goats, gardening AND soap. I hope I win the Mother Earth News subscription.

  19. I'd like to be entered. And my husband does read my blog either. He doesn't have to...he's lived it.
    Glad Pepper's better.

  20. I'm glad to know about Pepper. We had a cat break his leg once and he learn to walk very well with his cast. I was wondering how Pepper was walking.


  21. Hi,
    Congrats on your 200th post.
    this is my 1st entry.

    I'd love a chance to win a subscription to MJ my hubby is an avid gardener.

  22. Congrats! I'm so glad to hear the Pepper is doing better.

    Do you guys have a scheduled kidding season? My parents have been so busy with their kids lately!

  23. I'm so glad that Pepper's leg is getting better.

    I would love to have a subscription to Mother Earth News.

  24. So glad Pepper is better! I love your blog! Congrats on the big 200!!! I love Mother Earth News,it is like a guide book for the frugal homesteader!

  25. Congrats on your 200th post and I'm glad to hear Pepper is healing well. I would like to enter for the magazine subscription.

  26. Congrats on your 200th post and could you please enter me in the contest. Thanks and have a great day Rebekah.

  27. I'm happy that Pepper is doing better! His incident sounds like something my animals would do. I was at the store the other day looking over a Mother Earth Magazine. What great timing! It looks pretty interesting. Ive posted links to your site on my Facebook page and my blog as well. http://leppicu.blogspot.com/

  28. Jennifer just letting you know I blogged about the giveaway and put it on my facebook. Thanks for visiting my blog. Have a great day Rebekah.

  29. I would love to win a subscription to Mother Earth Magazine. I haven't had one for a few years, but I have some of the first ones that were ever published. That's like a LONG time ago.
    By the way.., my husband doesn't read my blog either.

  30. Hi Jennifer ~ I blogged about your giveaway today on my blog for an extra entry.


    ~ Be Blessed ~

  31. Great Magazine!

    I am following you on Google Friend

    ✂ ✂ ✂ ✂ ✂ ✂ ✂ ✂

    retsbar2go AT gmail DOT com

  32. From a fellow farmgirl and goat owner/breeder, I love your blog!! Please enter me in your giveaway - I would love to win!!

    Thanks and congrats on the 200th post:)

  33. Hi Jennifer~
    I have heard many good things about Mother Earth News, and would love to win this free subscription!!!!

    Thank you for the chance to win,

  34. Hi,
    I would like to enter this giveaway for my mom and sister! They would really love this magazine. Thank you for the entry:)

    We have Alpine and LaMancha dairy goats and love them! Happy goating:)


  35. I've posted about it on my blog, here http://prairiedreamsii.blogspot.com/2010/02/think-monsanto-is-only-seeds-think.html, tweeted it and Posted on FB! Congrats on the 200 posts... look forward to the next 200! (fb: Anita Grimm Hohl, Twitter ksanita)

  36. I am a new reader of your blog. I used to read Mother Earth news so many years back that I won't tell you. Let's just say my mother thought it was a "hippy propoganda rag." Happy it has stood the test of time.

  37. Over from Anita's. Please enter me in your drawing. I used to read MEN back in the 80's, but haven't since then. I'd love to start back up again.

    Thank you.

  38. Congrats on the milestone! Thanks for the chance to get a subscription to MEN!

  39. Count me in...

    Just wondering if you've ever milked your Boers?

  40. Congrats on 200 posts! Please enter me- thanks for the chance!
    mannasweeps (at) gmail DOT com

  41. Just wanted to say thank you all for the very kind comments and for those of you that have entered my giveaway!

    Stephanie - The occasion has come up once in awhile to milk one of the Boers if a doe has a single only nursing one side, or I just need some milk and the dairy does we have are not fresh at the time, etc but not typically. Though they do have very good milk that is even higher in butterfat than Nubians from what I am told. Good milk for soap or cheese making, but they don't produce as much as a dairy doe does and many have very small teats. Great for nursing kids but a little awkward to milk by hand, but it never hurts to try...you might just find you have a red headed girl that will be worth the effort to milk! Another option is a Boer/dairy cross. I LOVE my two Boer/Nubian cross does for milking and they produce quite a bit of milk and meaty market wethers too when I breed them back to a Boer buck. If your family uses a lot of milk though there is nothing like a good dairy doe for producing lots of good milk.

  42. Please enter me in this giveaway.

    Congratulations on 200 posts!

  43. I love Goats in the Garden and I love Mother Earth News! Please enter me in your contest!

  44. I am all in for Mother Earth News!! Good to hear Pepper is doing well...just in time for Spring Fever too! This weather has to give in one of these days and quit with the cold. All ahead for Muddy Days! :)

  45. I would enjoy a subscription! I just discovered your blag and am enjoying it very much! Thanks for the opportunity!

  46. Just found your blog. I'd love a subscription, or rather an extension to the one we have. I'll post on my blog about it as well!

  47. Count me in!!! I might get lucky-just had my stubbornest goat kid over lunch-it has been a good day so far.


Thanks for visiting my farm blog. I always appreciate comments and questions.