Jenn's audition
Alicia's Audition
April's Audition
For more auditions -
2 weeks ago
A blog about the day to day life and happenings on an 80 acre goat farm in Kansas called Shiloh Prairie Farm. News and information on goats and farm life also!
I LOVE THOSE COMMERCIALS!!! Hilarious. But where is the yodeling cow?
I like Kirsten's the best. Why did you post these videos? Are you associated with these particular cows in some way?
Sorry Alix! I only posted three so the page would not be so slow to load for people still stuck on dial-up. You can find all the rest of the auditions on Youtube though!
Haha, nope I just picked the three I thought was the most cute from Youtube but there are quite a few more to watch on Youtube. Jenn would be the most cute if it wasn't for her pushy mother!
Those commericials crack me up. I really should go vote...
they are cute, thx
That is to funny, I love the happy cows I get a kick out of them.
I like April, she can work with ducks! Just love these commercials.
That is so awesome! I love cows!
Cute. But I wish they would stop! My daughter (age6) thinks her papa's cows are not happy because they are in Ga. not Calf. lol
Those ads are great! My kids love them.
Too cute! No really I mean way too cute!
I find Happy Cows very adorable! Thanks for sharing these with us. Okay, I'm going to watch them again hehehe.
an award for you! :-)
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