I have to remind myself that I will also be busy with some new chickens hopefully, not too mention kidding season which can be all consuming at times just in itself. Then I still have a herd of 24 goats, (before they pop out any babies) a horse, 4 dogs and 2 cats to take care of along with all those pesky domestic chores I am no fan of like laundry, dusting and dishes to name a few. I still need to find time to make soap too of course!
Still, it is hard to narrow down the choices for a garden, and there is so many other things I wanted to try. I mean do you know they have purple and pink potatoes..purple potatoes! I guess I could let the house go to have more time for gardening and when the laundry pile reaches the heights of Mt. Everest or Trouble the goat doesn't even want to come inside anymore because it is too dirty and my husband complains I could console him with purple potatoes. Nah, guess that wouldn't work. I think the plants I have picked will be quite enough for me to manage this year.
Wow, you'll be busy. The pictures are so nice esp. for folk like us that are surrounded by white and gray yucky snow.
ReplyDeleteI like the collage idea, more fun.
ReplyDeleteOver at my blog, I awarded you with the Tree of Happiness, check it out.
I have been enjoying your blog for some time now. This one caught my fancy because I know me and those dang seed catalogs...dream and then those poor plants will suffer because I really do not have the time...my goaties are the priority, even though I only have two, plus all else that I do. Your pictures helped me tone down the thought that I was going to grow something for the whole county. Psst! Think the purple potatoes with a yummy roast may just melt my hubbies heart...at least for a night. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteHow fun!
ReplyDeleteDid you know that Purple vegetables are supposed to be more resistant to bugs. They also have purple beans and carrots. I am going to try them.
ReplyDeleteDang but garden's are a lot of work. Where do you get your energy?
ReplyDeleteIt always does seem to come down to a choice of where we will spend the bulk of our time, doesn't it? The garden, the barns and livestock, the house, kitchen....laundry, who needs clean clothes anyway?
ReplyDeleteI know, blame the lack of clean clothes on those dang tempting seed catalogs! And then there is this, you will need to set aside a lot of time to harvest and preserve all the abundance the gardens produce.Happy gardening!
My kids want to do a graden but we have such poor soil here, it would not produce much. I live on a rock bed! I am not kidding.
ReplyDeleteGood luck with that garden.
I am so not a fan of house keeping. Come spring (or a hint of spring) I'm outside!
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed your collection of brightly colored plants, made a happy wakeup call. I have all my gardend planned, now I have to wait so I can begin.
Boo-hiss-bluck nasty housework..Not sure about your man but mine would easily overlook laundry for purple taters LOL I can't wait to see your garden,it looks like it will be yummy!!
ReplyDeleteThe purple potatoes are great! We grew them last year. They are so easy and require relatively little input. I highly recommend them! I know what you mean about doing too much also. Besides full time work, I have part time school,and all the critters. Sometimes the garden gets behind. That's why I love potatoes. They just keep on going...
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping my the 7MSN and for following on to my blog. I'm glad you found me, because now I've found you, and it looks like there's a lot of fun going on over here. I look forward to getting to know you and your goats.
ReplyDeletePatrice - Thank you! Everything is brown here, I can't wait to see some color outside again!
ReplyDeleteJoanna- Thank you so much!
clouda9 - Thank you! I know, I do the same thing. I always end up planting more than I can keep up with, hopefully this year will be different since I scaled back some.
Amy - It is fun, the biggest challenge believe it or not was figuring out where to put it. All this land and I don't have room. I have converted so much of the yard and all the areas up close to the house to goat pasture.
Harvest Moon - That is so interesting, I did not know that! Thank you for the tip!
Alix- I am not sure it is energy, but pride in growing our own food and I hope to sell some of it at the farmer's market too. I would really like to see this farm pay for itself one day!
Kathy - there is never enough time in the day and at day's end I rarely feel like I got as much done as I wanted too.
Becky- thanks! 75% of our land is rocky, or rocky under a thin layer of topsoil. It is great goat land and pasture land but we couldn't grow crops on most of it other than hay. Luckily about 20 acres down around the house is not rocky and the soil is good on most of it and I plan to make the garden soil better with all the compost I have to add to it. That is one thing we are never short on around here thanks to the goats and horse.
Linda - Thank you! I am no fan of housework either especially when the weather is nice outdoors!
Mama- Thanks! I can't wait to get started.
Claire & 7MSN - Thank you for your comments, I love getting feedback on my blog.
ReplyDeleteThanks Claire! I was trying to cut back on the garden, now I really DO want to plant purple potatoes! When my husband complains the house is a mess and asks why his baked potato is purple I will put all the blame on you! LOL. Just kidding, he knows me too well to fall for that. :)
House cleaning is not my thing either. Luckily my hubby doesn't care all that much. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm longing to try some new and different things too. I made a huge list the other day from the catalog. Now it is time to get to the nitty gritty of what I'm actually going to buy!
We just ordered our seeds this week for our garden. It will be our second year attempting a garden. Last year we got too late of a start and didn't get very much out of it. I am worried that we may have gotten too ambitious, but my husband has taken this as a new hobby. He's planning to start all the seeds early and get a real jump on things! I was just flipping through the catalog earlier and pointed out the purple potatoes to my daughter. I asked how she'd like mashed potatoes that color. I think we did order some of the purple carrots, though.
I need to come back and read this in July when I can't keep up with the garden. All I have is a dog!
ReplyDeleteWhat a creative and wonderful way of showing all the promises of gardening. I love seed catalog time. Nothing has been eaten by slugs, or died because it was too hot/cold/moist/dry/picky. No weeds have come up! Everything is all a lovely dream when it only takes 5 minutes to weed and 10 minutes to plant... Ahh, seed catalog time!
ReplyDeleteStephanie - Good luck with your garden, I can't wait to read about it.
ReplyDeleteJenny- I saw the purple carrots too! How different they looked! I look forward to reading how they do in your garden.
Flartus - when you come back in July I will probably be over the whole thing and complaining about the garden, hehe.
Foxdog Farm - Thank you! Ah..weeds..it is hard to think about weeds and bugs when one is looking at all those beautiful plants and vegetables in the seed catalogs!