The does bellies and udders are starting to get bigger now, which is a sign I can start the countdown until the new Spring goat babies arrive! I even added a countdown clock at the bottom of this blog to count down the days until the first of the kids are due to be born. The clock on this blog is just for the first does due dates though, the rest of the does due dates are scattered from the end of March, through April and clear up to the first part of May. I usually get them in with the bucks in a timely manner so that they are all due in about a 3 week period, but that didn't happen this year. So it looks like we will have a long, drawn out kidding season and lots of waiting ahead of us. Waiting is the name of the game and there is still a little over a month to go yet before those first kids start hitting the ground, but the countdown has definitely begun.
Speaking of new gadgets on the blog, I would love to get opinions on the three new links to other stories on this blog that are now at the bottom of each post. They are supposed to be links to other relevant posts. I don't know how relevant they will be to the post they are linked too but I am wondering if people like them.....don't like them? Opinions?
*In the picture above, Rose (dark red goat) Trouble (middle goat) and Rock seem to be in waiting mode too. They are starting to udder up now. Icy, the white goat in front is one of the last ones due and hasn't started to show much yet. Bayla watches over the goats in the background.
I like the link thing..I always read the archive's on blogs I stalk,this makes it easier.
I really do love the style of your goats,nice build and the colors are great.I never really paid much attention to Boers before,Mama likes;)
I do like your link thing. I think it would especially useful for people who join in reading a blog but don't know all the history at getting to the posts leading up to the current one.
Great widget!
Love the links especially with photos!! Oh I can't wait to see all the baby photos to come!
Jenn, I think the links add a professional look to your blog. You have always been chock full of goat information, and this is so good for those that want to learn more about goats, or your farm and animals in general.
I hope you have better luck with your kidding season than I have. I worked on the dairy due date calendar last night. Not a single boer has kidded yet. And, guess who bred the dairy girls? The same buck. I pulled him out of the boer lot and started a dairy breeding suite on a certain date. This means a different buck bred the boers, without my knowledge. They are late, but heavy with kids, and are uddering up. Hilarious this year!
I like it. I can read some of your past posts.
links are good...I may have to put that on my blog...
Can't wait for the babies. I have to wait until May...it seems like forever! Be sure to post lost of photos!
Good luck Jennifer!
I need to learn the link thing....it does help with posts that might help supplement the story or posting of the day without you having to repeat yourself!
Lucky you, baby goats all spring and on into the summer!I don't think that gets old.
I really like the picture links - just read the hilarious Does Code of Honor! You're certainly going to be busy this Spring. Nancy
Mama - Thank you! I love our Boer goats.
Christy - Thanks for your input about the links!
Melissa - Sure...you say that now..LOL. Knowing me I will probably go overboard with posting pictures of the new goat babies. It is my favorite time of year though.
Mary - Thank you so much for your kind comments. It has been kind of a strange year for that. My goats all got bred, but they did not all come into heat about the same time like usual and it was much harder to spot the ones in heat this year for some reason. Strange year!
Christy - Thanks!
Carolyn- Thanks, you can count on that! :)
Amy- Thank you!
KathyB- what a positive way to look at it, you are right. Last year all the does kidded with-in 3 weeks of each other and that is the way I prefer it, but it was over with so fast I remember feeling a little disappointed when the last one kidded. Thanks for showing me the glass half full!
Thanks Nancy!
i LOVE the links with pics- is that a new blogger widget?
as always i love your dogs and can't wait for baby goat pics soon :)
Lovely photos, cute sheep....
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