January 30, 2009

Soap Final Stage Pictures

I thought I would share pictures of the final steps of the "How to make soap at home" blog I posted the other day. This is the following day and as you can see our goat's milk soap is now set up in the mold and ready to come out. This picture was taken in the more natural lighting from the window.

This is the soap cut into bars and set up to cure for 4 - 6 weeks before use. The two rows of soap in the front are from the batch I made during the soap tutorial the other day and the soap in the back of the picture is some I had made a couple days before. It is important to space them apart a little for curing.


  1. Soap on the curing rack, always makes me feel good!

  2. thank you Jennifer, and the bars looks great. I bet its fun making soap. You say unscented is very popuar? Oh I love the fragrances.

  3. Thank you Mary, Amy & Patrice. Both are popular, the no fragrance soap was the first to sell out for me around the holidays though, but I also got lots of compliments on the lavender and lilac soap. Now I am adding a few more scents.

  4. I forgot to say thank you Joanna for the compliment and it is fun!

  5. I found your blog via the comment you left on my blog! I've really enjoyed reading about the soap making and would probably try it except all I have are wethers! Maybe some day......

  6. You are very clever, I don't know if I would ever attempt soap making as it looks quite tricky, but your soaps look beautiful !

  7. Jennifer!

    Your soaps are gorgeous. Well done indeed.

    It must be so satisfying to make something so lovely, so useful, and marketable. I envy you!

  8. Thank you Spin, Lynda & Alix! I really appreciate your kind comments!


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