December 02, 2010

Speak Softly - Farm Photo of the Week

"Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far. "
Theodore Roosevelt

One of the Great Pyrenees dogs on our farm loves to carry big sticks he finds around. I wish I could get a closer, better picture of him, especially when he finds a stick that is curved in such a way it pulls his baggy lips up into a big, funny smile, but every time I try to get closer with my camera he puts his stick down and trots up to the fence to say hello. Silly Dudley.


  1. That is so cute! My dogs like to carry sticks around too. :D

  2. It's rare the animal that gets the concept of posing for a picture. It's still a cute photo, though! And you can tell Dudley I'm jealous of his fluffy winter coat.

  3. What a cute pic of him with the stick!

  4. We'd like to have a guard dog sometime. Cute pic anyway.

  5. Beautiful, peaceful photo. Thank you.

  6. He's really cute! You can tell he's very happy with his stick!!!

  7. Dudley is beautiful. He just knows when things are slow on the old farm he has to entertain himself. I love the smile.....

  8. I always wondered where that quote came from

  9. Love the quote and that beautiful dog !

    ~ Many Blessings ~

  10. I say "Walk softly and lead a big goat."


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