December 15, 2010

More Brave Than I Could Ever Be

Something has been weighing heavily on my mind lately. My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer for a second time recently. She had went through surgery and chemo five years ago and beat it then. She just had a mammogram in September that didn't show anything but after that she found a lump herself. Her first chemo treatment this time will be less than a week before Christmas. She puts on a brave front and tries to remain positive. She says "whatever will be, will be" but I also know it is terribly discouraging for her.

I know it has been discouraging for me. Cancer can sure make a person feel helpless. You want to be able to do something, and there is little one can do. It is so easy to take life and even people for granted when you are busy worrying about all the constant little things in life that really are not all that important after all. I think she has been more brave than I could ever be.


  1. Hi Jennifer, so sorry to hear about this.

    Our prayers for your mother's good health and for you to have the strength and courage to go through this difficult time.

  2. Honey all you can do for Mom is be there when she needs you, hold her hand and cry with her, Spend lots of time together. And pray that she will make it though OK.
    Kind thoughts and prayers

  3. So sorry to hear. I kinda understand my mother was in the hospital for 28 days sick and there was nothing we could do. I felt so helpless and bad cause I could not help her. My mom has been gone 5 years now and I miss her every day. Cherish the time you have with your mom it is so precious. I will keep you and your mom in my prayers. Rebekah

  4. You and your mother are in my thoughts and prayers.

  5. Aw, Jennifer, I'm so sorry to hear this. I'm glad your mom is so strong; I, too, think I would turn into a whining pile of goo were I to face anything so fearful.

    On the other hand, you never know what you're capable of.

    Enjoy this holiday season with your loved ones. Remember to "be in the moment" and let the future worry about itself.

    Bless you & your mom.

  6. Oh, Jennifer, I've been having a feeling all was not well with you. I'm so sorry to hear about your mom.

    She and you are in my thoughts.

  7. Oh, Jennifer, I am so sorry to hear about your mom. I know what you mean about feeling helpless, but your mom sounds like a strong woman and she's beaten this before.

    I think all you can do is stay in the moment and be there for her. You're both in my thoughts.

  8. Cancer is a family illness, not just for the person whose body has it. You are ALL in my prayers! May you all heal together and of course, especially your mom.

  9. Grandpa - Thank you for your kind words and prayers.

    Rina- Thank you, you are very right.

    Rebekah - Thank you for your kind words, I am so sorry that your mother has passed.

    Gail - Thank you!

    Flartus - Thank you so much, very good advice that I will try to remember.

    Anonymous - Thank you for your kind words. Are you someone I know?

    Marnilla - Thank you! Yes she is strong. She is trying very hard not to let it get her down. I know I would not be so strong when faced with surgery, chemo and such a scary thing.

    Shar - Thank you so much!

  10. Thoughts & Prayers for you and your family. May you take comfort in sharing little joys that this time of year may offer. We all get caught up in fanfare of the holiday season and it's good to be stopped in ones tracks to realize the beauty that lies in a single snowflake... and just breathe.

  11. I've watched my sister go through this - mastectomy and then recovery. Years after the surgery, she is still doing well - a very vital person. I wish the very best in healing for you and your mother.

    Nancy in Iowa

  12. So sorry to hear about your mother's relapse. I hope things will go as well as possible. Blessings.

  13. I am sorry. There are no words so goat hugs and positive thoughts are heading your way through cyber space.

  14. My prayers go out to your mom and you. I've been thru this with my mom too. She had a very rare, non genetic variety in 1992 or 93, had a mastectomy and was declared free of cancer. A few years later she got another strain in the other breast and had another mastectomy. She never had to do any chemo or radiation, so it almost feels like she never had cancer. I think she's been cancer free for close to 15 years!

  15. Just want you to know that I had Breast Cancer 25 years ago. I also had a reoccurence at 5 years and I'm still here.
    It was very hard to have the whole thing return. Devastating! It negates all the hard work that you went through the first time but.... LIFE IS WHAT IT IS and so you repeat the things that save your life.
    Your Mom will be brave and you will be there for her...again. It's what family does.
    There will be many times when you smile for her and then go home and cry. It's what she will do too. The bravery is important.
    I wish her an easy round of treatments and I wish you both lots of love.

  16. God bless ur family! I know alot about breastcance. My mom had is about 6 yrs ago . She took alot of chemo! I have also had cancer and I know the stress of it in the family!

  17. Moonshadow - Such beautiful words, thank you!

    Mom L - Thank you and I am so glad to hear your sister is doing well.

    John, Teresa & John. Thank you for your encouragement and kind words.

    Kelly - Thank you so much for sharing your mom's story. It really gives me hope to hear that she also had it come back and still has been cancer free for 15 years afterwards. Such good news and I am happy for you and your mom too.

    Farmlady - Thank you for sharing your story. It really meant a lot to me. I wish my mom had internet access. I know it would do her so much good to be able to connect or talk with other people who have been through what she is going through.

    My Lovely Life - Thank you for sharing your family's story. It is scary to me because I do know that cancer can run in families and there has been a lot of it in mine.


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