October 22, 2010

Joker's Tree - Farm Photo of the Week

This is Joker, he is one of the Boer bucks on Shiloh Prairie Farm. He is a little over two and a half years old now, and he has been on the farm since he was about six months old. Joker's hobbies include eating zucchini, tomato taste tester, acting macho for the girl goats on the farm and chopping down trees with his horns. He is not very good at chopping down trees though, he has been butting, scratching and working on chopping down this old Walnut tree for about two years. He wanted to be a lumberjack but nobody wanted to pay him by the hour, even if he does just work for zucchini.


  1. Very cute comments. They made me chuckle! God bless Joker!

  2. JOKER! Big man on campus. Sure hope you get that tree down during your lifetime....the question would be, "WHY?" but, having goats myself, it's probably a reason only known to a goat.
    Keep the faith, big guy!

  3. Joker? Perfect name for him! :D

  4. Wow - I'm with Millie! What a handsome muscle-goat! Ooooh....I'd like to flutter my tail at him!

  5. I'll bet he keeps trying too!!! Very cute!

  6. LOL, silly boy!


  7. what a great joker ! my is he not handsome !
    I have a bloggy award for You over on my blog ☺

  8. Hee Hee, We have a rather randy buck that has killed a huisache tree. Gotta love those big boys.

  9. Ooo, look at all them muscles! I wouldn't want to be a tree in his way.

  10. Hi, Jennifer,

    Just to say that I love your posts, and incidentally, your goats.

    I wish I had such great stuff to post, but I'm not photographically talented, nor do I have goats at my disposal. I wish I did.

    But if I did I would probably post even less than I do now. . .

    Thanks for sharing!

    Sally/Marnie/twoofus. ..

  11. My sister uses goats as lumberjacks as well...she's cleared land for a pasture for her cow that way. He is a handsome fellow.

  12. Ha! This is too funny!

    And maybe you can try renting him out. Although he'll have to improve his efficiency!


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