September 02, 2010

The Winged Goat Welcomes You

Lookie what is on eBay right now, a winged goat statue, wearing a collar (of course he is, how else are you going to catch a flying goat?) and holding a welcome sign. When I first saw it I thought, "well, now that is just odd" but the more I looked at it the more it started to grow on me. I think it is very interesting and unique. You can see it on eBay HERE.

If our hot water heater had not burst this week, making us about go broke to buy a new one I would SO BUY this statue. It goes with absolutely nothing around or in my house, but why does every thing have to match anyway? Who made that law that things must match and go together. Why can't we wear plaid green shorts and a hot pink, striped t-shirt? I say we can, why not and I could have a Gothic, freaky cool looking, winged goat statue right along with my western/countryish decor. Oh yes I could...if I wasn't broke at this moment that is.

Drats, I doubt I can convince the husband this winged fellow is a necessary item while we are eating beans for the 3rd time this week. He just doesn't realize how useful this could be to him. Why? because I always make Jamey answer the door when strangers come by to hand out pamphlets, educate us on their views or sell us steaks; while I hide in the house. (oh come on, you know you have done it too!) There isn't much I avoid but come walking up to my door with an armful of pamphlets or another vacuum sweeper I don't need and I suddenly remember there was something very important to do in the other room, "So would you answer the door please honey?" (Don't judge me) I think if we had mister awesome, strange, Gothic, winged goat fairy creature here sitting on our porch to welcome strangers carrying pamphlets they might just skip our house. Oh, that is a lovely thought isn't it. (sigh) Of course if appliances keep breaking around here the beans alone might be enough to keep them from staying long (OK, that was just gross, you can judge me on that one.)

This statue is being offered by The Whistling Cat and Aunt Kristy on eBay. She also has a winged pig and horse statue if that is more your thing.

I did not receive anything to post about this. I just saw something neat and wanted to share it. Photo used with permission.


  1. If you were indeed comped for this post, as in extra advertising time. I do believe the winged goat would be the perfect comp.

    Might make a good hood ornament on your truck also.

  2. Ooohhhh! That's me! I want wings! I would think there are a lot of goatie people that would love that. My lady would but since she just had to repair the barn door - ooop - and has to buy us more feed - hee hee - no statue for her! I'm better than a statue anyway.....right?

  3. It's rare to find good goat stuff on ebay, and, believe me, I look :) Often, the sellers don't know their goats from their sheep. And don't start me on how people don't know ducks from chickens!

  4. What a lovely thing - a goat with wings - I can definitely see why you are tempted !

  5. That is a mighty fine goat statue! I think it would be an excellent deterrent to those salespeople.

  6. Gross but true....about the bean gas, the unwanted people selling vacumn cleaners or religion and the goat statue.
    I like your style.... I wish I could buy you the statue.

  7. Thanks for all the comments. Thank you farmlady, that is an awful sweet thing to say!

  8. You can always tell him it's an investment. LOL


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