September 03, 2010

News - Goats Stranded On Narrow Ledge

Goats are curious creatures. Curious creatures that also like to climb up onto things and this can sometimes get them into trouble. Two young goats in Montana learned this recently when they climbed out onto the thin ledge of a railroad bridge. Goats can also be tough and resilient animals when they need to be too though. After spending nearly two days on the high, narrow ledge the two goats still appeared to be in good condition, if rather hungry at an animal sanctuary after they were rescued. Rescuers are searching for the goat's owners but if they are not found the two ledge walking goats have already had other people offering to adopt them. Don't you just love an animal rescue story with a happy ending?

Goats rescued after 2 days on 6-inch ledge - read news story here.


  1. Good heavens!! Isn't that just like a goat. I would have been hysterical watching those two babies up there.
    I'm glad that they didn't fall.
    They must have been half Mountain goats.
    Don't tell Brownie about this.


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