Is the reason I have not posted the last week. Actually that is not true, my computer is fine but our Internet service is having some problems. It is running slow and when I say slow I mean molasses in Alaska slow, or how my sister drives slow or maybe just play a game of solitaire, fix a drink, thumb through a magazine and then pull your hair out while waiting on one page to load slow. No, it has been worse than that, it has been running "ready to go back to dial-up" slow!
I am hoping we can get it fixed soon because there are lots of things I would like to tell you about. The new guests at the farm, (no it isn't another opossum) or how some of our expectant mother goats are starting to show, there has been the buck goat drama, spring garden plans, and a few other ideas I have for our farm and this blog and hopefully a giveaway too. I also miss the blogs I follow and can't wait to be able to catch up with them as well. I hope everyone is doing well and 2010 is off to a great start for all! I would have posted a picture but honestly as long as it would take to load right now I just don't have that much patience or hair.
2 weeks ago
Dial-up slow is r e a l l y , R E A L L Y S L O W ! Amazing how much we take for granted now that the internet is considered a staple of life, and when it goes I am sorry to say I get very yo seem to be bearing up remarkably well. But then i guess when the net goes out we have no choice anyway....looking forward to all you have to share when the internet cooperates.
Hope your internet service gets itself sorted out soon. Sorry you have to deal with this problem. I hate dealing with slow connections. Sounds like lots of interesting things have been happening.
That is no fun! We have days like that too, where it's slow or just plain not working at all because they are doing maintenance.
But we are still here and will patiently await the stories about bucks and garden plans and giveaways... WAIT!! did you say giveaway? What is the number to your internet provider? I think I need to call them and give them a piece of my mind about how my friend has slow service at a **critical** time!
Maybe use this week to do your taxes, since things are so slow online . Don't want to waste time doing that after things speed back up. LOL!!
Dial up?? They still have that as an option?! LOL. We get accustomed to speed quiteeasily, don't we? Will be looking forward to more posts when you get speed back!
That is so frustrating. I hope things are back to erm, speed very soon.
Oh you poor dear. I so understand that kind of slow when you're talking computers. It's beyond frustrating! Hang in there, and hopefully the ubiquitous "they" get your internet service fixed soon!!
Well I saw you at Casa Hice recently, so that must mean your internet problems are improving? Yes? I hope??
Good to see you Jennifer. Can't wait to hear all your news!
I'm going to go slaughter an orange in hopes it will help get you back online in a speedy fashion! Don't worry - no waste - I'll eat the orange, too.
Nancy in Iowa
I've had the same problem before and I know how frustrating it can be. Hope you get it fixed soon. Can't wait to hear your stories.
I hope you get your internet fixed soon, I miss you!
And we can't be having a bald headed goat farmer either. tee hee
Oh dear. I hate it when the Internet and associated systems do not behave. Glad to see you are back though!
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