December 22, 2009

Hello, I Am New! - Farm Photo of the Week

While looking through some pictures that I took last spring of the new goat kids I came across this one and thought it was just too cute not to post. This kid was just born less than 2 hours before this picture was taken and she seems to be saying "Look at me, I am new and cute...look out!" Got to love those baby goats! This Boer doe is out of one of my favorite does "Hope" and from our buck Joker. She went to a great new home this summer and I hope she will be as good and productive of a doe for her new owners as her mother Hope has been for us.


  1. Those floppy ears are too adorable. Looks like her nose is twisty, the way the white runs down it. I don't know how you can bear to say goodbye to any of them!

  2. That curvy white blaze does kind of create a bit of an optical illusion. I have a very hard time with that and I really liked this all the does from this spring including this one, but we just can't keep them all! So I try to look at things like OK. how many sisters or close relatives to this kid do we already have in the herd? Or does keeping this particular kid help our long term goals. Such as a registered herd vs commercial etc. Thanks for the comment!

  3. What a cutiepie! I am so excited about this year's kids and lambs! How do I wait until they's still at least 7 weeks away....

  4. What a cute little guy!!! I've always wanted to own a goat!! There was a farm by my parents' house that has 3 mini-goats. I don't know if they are really goats, but they are the size of a medium sized dog and super friendly!


  5. What a doll baby goat. They are so cute when they are newborn.

  6. Hello sweetie! I would like to pick her up and give her a hug and cuddle. I loved having the kids around when we had goats. And your are so right. You can't keep them all and it's best to find them a good home.

  7. oh i love it! it takes me back to my childhood when we had goats :)I'm stopping by from SITS- better late than never? I hope you are having a great week!

  8. I am such a sucker for kids! Our 3 are 1 now and full grown...a local breeder was cross breeding a nubian and pygmy...they looked like pygmy with the cute floppy ears! unfortunately when she kidded she had twin girls : (

  9. I was just thinking about kids yesterday. They come out ready to go, like this one.

    Merry Christmas, Jennifer!

  10. Thank you so much for my Christmas gift. I shall cherish this little baby goat photo! What a precious armful of fluff. Awesome!

  11. I'm such a sucker for a new baby goat can you not just fall in love immediately? Makes me want to pick her up and hide her in my coat (so hubby won't see;) and take her home!!

    A very happy Holiday to you and yours Jennifer!!

  12. She is a cutie!!
    Merry Christmas to all of you at Shiloh Prairie Farm!!


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