December 08, 2009

Carol of the Goat Bells

It is that time of year again and it just would not feel like the holidays to me without the Carol of the Goat Bells. So if you like goats and you like Christmas, I guarantee you will enjoy watching and listening to the Carol of the Goat Bells, brought to you by The Biology of the Goat. Make sure your computer speakers are on when you click the goat bells link! Merry Christmas!


  1. That's the first time I've seen that one. Cute!

  2. Ha Ha,Carol of the Goat bells was cool!!! Thanks for showing it!!1

  3. Ha Ha,Carol of the Goat bells was cool!!! Thanks for showing it!!1

  4. Thanks Jennifer for posting this link. It is so cute. I'm going to post it on my blog everybody should see this. Have a great day Rebekah.

  5. What do goats do for the holidays? I've tagged you for a game to spread holiday cheer, so that you can tell me all about it. Here is the link, if you choose to do so:

  6. Too funny. Ya got me started with a good laugh this morning. Thanks, I needed that.

    God bless and have yourself one terrific day!!!

  7. That was delightful! I've just passed it on to my sister and her neighbor, who has 2 pet goats....

    Nancy in Iowa

  8. Thank you for sharing this. I have shared it with several of my goat loving friends.


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