November 17, 2009

You Stink So Good

"Oh no, You stink better!" Or at least that is the conversation I imagine when I watch this video, or maybe they just had really itchy faces that day.

For those that don't know these are both male goats, called bucks. They do have a distinctive musky odor when they are in rut, (I don't find it offensive, it is just a farm smell to me. Some bucks have a stronger bucky smell than others.) however the female goat (known as a "doe") does not smell at all any time of the year, well not unless she has been in a pasture with a smelly buck that has been rubbing all over her! ;-) They are very clean and in fact our dogs have more of an odor than the female goats do. Our hands do not smell and are not dirty after petting the does.

Our Boer bucks do not have too strong of an odor as far as bucks go when they are in rut, now we did own a Pygmy cross buck years ago that did! That boy would make your eyes water and peel paint straight off the barn wall with his bucky aroma, or buck funk as I like to call it... but the does went crazy over him! It is the best, most attractive cologne in the world to them.


  1. Oh ya can bet it's Estee' Lauder to the goats. When my son went though puberty I used to compare the scent of his room 'goat smell.' The poor kid would shower layers of skin off just tryin' to make mama happy.

    I wanted to thank you for your sweet comment. In the words of Granny Clampett, "ya'll come back now,ya hear!!!"

  2. BUCK FUNK!!! I love it. Instead of my usual "I smell like a goat" comment after exercise {which is obviously much too general a statement}, I shall say "I have buck funk" Perfect! Because if you ever smelled me right after exercise, you'd swear I was a male goat in rut. A Pygmy cross at that!


  3. Yes, TrapperDude warned me about this lovely 'cologne' the boys would permeate the yard far, nothing yet. The lil buck is about 9 months old, a purebred Boer...he seems awfully small to me. He eats well and we wormed him about two months ago...maybe he's just small. The wether is a bit bigger but he is a mix of heinz57.
    Did you read "Goat Song"?
    Oh, I have SOOO much to look forward too, don't I?!

  4. Lol!! Our first year in 4H the group leaders had a Bonfire and weinie roast at their house.. They had this Huge Boer Buck named Bob... He Loved people and he thought he smelled good!LOl Well needless to say the town kids all petted the buck... Then thought to ask Does This WASH OFF???? lol! hmm you would think the goat owners would have warned them... It was to much fun to see them catch a Whiff of their hands...

  5. Nothing much worse than the smell of WET buck in rut if you ask me...
    But I really don't mind it. I keep saying I must have been born to be a goat farmer.

  6. Very funny! "Buck Funk", thanks for a new perfect description for the smells that occasionally come from the men in my life!

  7. Buck Funk!! That's great and I know what you mean. Bart's(our Nubian wither)papa had this smell. Oh boy! That is one nasty odor and "Buck Funk" is a perfect name for it..., you just don't want to say it too fast.

  8. I love the wagging tail in the video!!!

  9. Hi Nezzy! Thanks for stopping by. I have a good friend that has said the same thing about her teenage sons room!

    Alix - You don't know how much I enjoy the comments you leave, they always make me LOL!

    Mrs Bee - I haven't read Goat Song, it sounds like I should! Have you had a fecal done on your Boer buck to make sure he isn't affected by too many coccidia and to make sure your wormer is working? A subclinical case of coccidiosis can cause poor growth rates with out the characteristic sign of diarrhea. Our bucks don't usually start smelling much until they are over a year old anyway and it is really only bad in the fall.

    Tonia - How funny!

    Nancy M - Thanks for stopping by & leaving a comment!

    Pricilla - I joke about it but it doesn't bother me either. I do try to remember not to wear my barn coat I have worn around the bucks to the store this time of year! I am sure other people wouldn't feel the same way I do about that bucky smell!

    Leslie - Thanks for stopping by!

    FarmLady - LOL! You are right, it isn't something I say fast without good pronunciation!

  10. Mom L - Thanks for stopping by! Yes, that is our Boer buck Joker doing all the tail wagging. :-)

  11. Buck funk, now that's a new one.

    What do you call the nice yellow legs? LOL!

    I do mot mind the buck scent either. Neither do the does, ha.

    So many people say they do not like goats because they stink. Glad you cleared the air. :)

  12. The fragrance is come and get me, darling.

  13. LOL...We are new to homesteading and have not had the pleasure of being around a buck in rut yet.


  14. I think you have stated the obvious in wonderful words. "buck funk" ! I remember the smell that emanated from my does when I would bring them home after their time with the buck of my choice for them. Pretty stinky is putting it mild! But you're right, the does love this masculine aroma and the offspring were a wonderful blessing of their mother's attraction to this "cologne".

  15. Okay, we've all gotta admit there are certain times of the year when "the boys" do have more of an odor than others, but I'm so glad you put it right out there that the does are such clean animals. I used to love putting my nose right into a doe's flanks while milking . . . they would always smell like sunshine or good hay. I'd take goats a million times over cows. Step in goat manure, no big deal. Step in cow manure . . . yu-uuck!

  16. We had to get rid of our goats...they didnt stink as they'd been wethered but we just got tired of them constantly getting out.

  17. It is very interesting for me to read the post. Thank author for it. I like such themes and everything connected to them. I definitely want to read more soon.

  18. Cute video. Seems they were each taking advantage of the scratching.
    My neighbor had a goat once that had gotten loose when they weren't home. I took him back home by his collar, but boy did that goat stink. Very strong odor that I could not get off my hands. No matter how many times I washed them. Glad there weren't any does around, they would have been all over ME.
    Thanks for this, now I know why that goat had such a strong odor.

  19. I know what you mean about the smell. We recently put a buck, which we lease every year, in with our does. They are smelly! But I love them.

  20. Alix's comment is cracking me up.... LOL

    Buck funk. Learn something new everyday. At least it's unique and interesting. :)

    Hope you guys had a really nice Thanksgiving, and are enjoying the long weekend!

  21. Hahaha...buck funk & bucky smells. I never knew! How informative this post was! Thanks for the lesson:)


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