November 14, 2009

The Whatwhat Brothers Found a Home

Baby Whatwhat brothers last spring.
Some of you that have been following my blog for awhile may remember the Whatwhat brothers that I wrote about this past spring. If not you can read about them here. They are two brothers, both paint colored Boer bucklings that were born on our farm this year. Their mother is one of my favorite Boer does, her name is Dot and their father was a handsome black Boer buck.

If you are wondering why I called them the Whatwhat brothers it is because of the way they would get frisky with the other kids at such an early age. The two brothers would chase the other goat kids around, stick their tongues out and and yell "whatwhatwhat..whaaaaaat!" at them.

They were loud, obnoxious (but in a cute way), hormone driven fellows. Not really too different from some of the young boys we all went to school with at one time or another. The two Whatwhat brothers got to go to the same new home together today. This is a good thing, we have more than enough bucks on our farm and they would never have been happy seeing our other older bucks get all the girls on the farm. The brothers will be staying in Kansas and they have quite a few new girlfriends waiting for them at their new home.

The brothers today, they grew up a lot over the summer!


  1. Good job, Jenn, on selling the good looking Whatwhat brothers. Plus, they get to stay together!

  2. Thanks for the update, Jennifer! I LOVE the WhatWhat Brothers! In fact, I fancied them myself - and had I a place for them to live - would have bought them myself. Oh but they are handsome lads.

    Glad they are going to a new home together. Hope they have a long healthy happy life frolicking in the joy of their new owners.


  3. Aww... the WhatWhat brothers are so cute! And I laughed when I read how they got their name!

    I hope they're very happy in Kansas!

  4. It is so exciting when you know they are going to a good home.

  5. Glad to hear they found a good home together! One of the LinkWithin pics below your post is of the one on the right as a baby...same pose. Wow, he has really grown up! Cute as can be still,though.

  6. Oh good for them. It's so nice when you can find good homes for the babies. We just placed two of ours this week as well.

    They are handsome boys!

  7. Very Very Nice Boys Jennifer!! Love the name.. Sounds like a circus or an act of some sort...

  8. The WhatWhat Brothers have grown up to be very handsome young bucks. You must be so proud!

  9. Thanks for the's so fun to see the little ones grow up. Hope their new owners (and their does) are ready for some extra-randy bucks!

  10. I hope they will be very happy in Kansas. They are very nice looking goats and the new owners should be very happy to have them.

  11. I bet that farm in Kansas was very happy to find and give those two a new home. Good looking fellows!

  12. Awww....cute little WhatWhat Dudes!
    Glad they get to stay together.


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