Actually jokes aside this is completely normal behavior for a buck goat that is trying to court a doe. It is that time of year here on the farm, the leaves have turned color, the air is crisp and the bucks are in rut. It is time to get the does in with the bucks so they will have kids in the spring. Some of them have already been bred. Joker was a greedy boy this year and wasn't happy with the 5 does he already had so he pushed the fence in and let out three or four more does with him. Looks like a couple of the does we kept this year will be kidding the end of Feb/first part of March. The rest of the does will go in with the bucks this week for April born kids.
2 weeks ago
I'm hearing the same kinda talk 'round here, even from some young boys.
Lol Ahhh the joys of Goat Bucks!! you cant help but love them!
Such language! I didn't know goats could make a sound like that!
Nancy in Iowa
He's a pretty boy! We had a bull a couple of years ago that managed to 'do' every cow in a mile radius. Terry got rid of him..he was 'just toooooo much' to keep in.
men!! i have another goiveaway going on if you want to enter!
Ah yes. My Luke is patiently waiting (patiently?) for Pricilla to come into heat.
That is such a funny sound he is making, it kind of sounds like a turkey. So interesting, I have learned so much from your blog. Have a great day!
I have Wethers so I don't see this behavior. Interesting and strange sound the male is making. She doesn't seem too impressed or is she playing hard to get?
That is too funny! I always love your videos. He seems to be the pushy type, huh? lol
Was that he or she that kept saying... "Oy! Oy! Oy!? I didn't know you had Jewish goats. How charming!
Hi Jennifer!!
I just happened to come across my temporary blog on blogger, and saw where you had commented forever ago and gave me all sorts of good info on what to look for when buying a goat. I just wanted to thank you so much for taking the time to share all of that with me. It was all such good info, I was wondering if I could write a post with the information that you shared with me? Thanks for all of your advice! (I did end up buying some goats, by the way. They are so great!)
Your homesteading friend, Kendra
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