October 27, 2009

Magic and Revive Treatment for Goats

Without getting into a long explanation, to put it simply, pregnancy toxemia in goats is the result of high carbohydrate (energy) demands of multiple fetuses in late pregnancy. When this demand exceeds the supply, fat is metabolized into glucose. The metabolic needs of the kids are met at the expense of the mother causing the ketotic condition.

Revive recipe for does with pregnancy toxemia

*Give Revive during the day

500ML 50% Dextrose
500ML Amino Acid Solution (50ml if it is the concentrate)
200ML Calcium Gluconate **(see note below)
20ML B complex
2 grams Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C)I use the injectable
5ML B12 (3,000mcg/ml)
5ML 500mg/ml Thiamin

Give 200cc 3x per day (oral drench)

Use a large, clean canning jar to make and store this. Store it in a cool, dark place because B vitamins are destroyed by light.

Scald the jar with boiling water after you clean it and turn it upside down on a clean towel. Scald the lid also. When you mix the ingredients, do not contaminate the mouth of the jar or the contents.

Do not add water to the Revive until you are ready to give it.
Mix 50:50 with water.
Add 2-3 scoops Calf Pac with the morning dose of Revive.
Use a pan of hot water to warm it if needed. Do NOT Microwave.

**Calcium Gluconate is not necessary in Revive unless the doe is showing symptoms of calcium deficiency. The most common first symptom is tender feet, like she is walking on eggshells.

Offer sweet feed, a little corn and free choice alfalfa hay to these does.

Revive is also helpful for animals that are stressed at shows or that need supportive care for some reasons other than pregnancy toxemia. For regular use, omit the Amino Acid solution, Calcium Gluconate and Ascorbic acid.

1 part corn oil
1 part molasses
2 parts Karo syrup
It is helpful to warm it just a bit.

To treat pregnancy toxemia we use Revive during the day and 8 ounces of Magic for a large doe, (a little less for a small one) in the evening to hold them through the night. We have never had a goat scour on this treatment but if one does start to get loose stools then just back off on the Magic a little bit. The most important thing is to get them up and eating on their own again because a doe with pregnancy toxemia that is sleepy, won't get up and refuses to eat is at risk of dying. This will require aggressive and consistent treatment until they are up, alert and eating again. Does in this condition should be treated every 2 to 3 hours until they are awake and up, then the Revive treatment can be reduced to 3 times per day. This treatment has been used by many goat breeders with success for years. These recipes came originally from Coni Ross, a well respected and knowledgeable goat breeder.

The key to treating this condition in goats is catching it early, once a goat is down even the best treatment might not be successful.

Keep a close eye on your does the last six weeks of their pregnancy. Does that are carrying triplets or more and does that are fat or under weight are at the most risk.

Some symptoms of pregnancy toxemia to look for:

1. Swollen feet and lower legs.

2. A stained tail.

3. Loss of appetite.

4. Losing weight over her top.

5. Sleepy, lethargic, stays at the barn while the others go out to pasture to browse.

6. Won't stand.

7. Her breath might have a fruity, sweet odor.

If you suspect a problem you can check your doe's urine with a urine test such as Keto-check, it is generally accurate. The test strips can be bought at the pharmacy department of Wal-Mart.

**I am not a vet and this is just what works for us on our farm. You should consult with your goat knowledgeable veterinarian for help in diagnosing and treating a sick goat.

The doe in the picture did not have pregnancy toxemia. She is just taking a well deserved nap after delivering 3 healthy babies. Just because a doe is carrying triplets or quads doesn't mean she will get pregnancy toxemia, especially if she is fed properly, but even with proper feeding it pays to watch does at the top of the pecking order and at the bottom or during times of drought, etc.


  1. WOW! This is so detailed. I love to read these things about the farm; to see how deeply involved the work actually is and how much you care about your goats. I want to live in the country one day--not, I won't have a huge farm, but I would love to have 2 goats. I grew up around them and loved them; they hated little Magaly (maybe me trying to ride on their backs had something to do with their feelings.

    Again, thanks for sharing bits and pieces of your life with us!

  2. Triplets - wow!
    I was not aware of this condition. Thanks for the info.

  3. I think I have goat pregnancy toxemia. Those symptoms seem very familiar. Thank goodness there's a magic recipe cure. I do love me some Karo!

  4. I hope I never have one go through that but good info.

  5. Thank you for the informative post, which too little has been written about. We've linked to it here at All Things Goat.com


  6. This was very interesting. Although we don't plan on breeding the girls, knowing all that can and might happen is very interesting and the recipes are a nice added bonus.

    Thank you!


  7. I love this photo! It's a long time since I've raised goats....25+ years and we never had trouble with toxemia but I appreciate the throughness of your post!

  8. Another great post for me to keep on hand. Hopefully we will be breeding in the next year.
    I do have a question for you.
    The 3 kids I have now are about 8 months old now. I have had to keep them seperated from the older three girls (they are not related)because the "sweetest" of them pile drives the little ones into the ground and then the other two chime in. Today, one of the older gals untied the baling wire latches on the make-shift gate (I didnt know she had fingers to untie with!!) and I had to rescue the babes. So I let the gentler of the older goats in to stay with the babes. They did the usual posturing but then she got a bit rough and so I seperated them. But THAT is getting old and since they can untie the wire latch (LOL...I am trying to keep a sense of humor!) I would like them to 'all get along' but it's taking a LONG time...any tips or is it just a "matter of time" issue?

  9. Mrs Bee,

    Thanks for your question and comment. Are they in a large area or is it fairly small? Is there enough shelters and feed spots for all? (goats seem to need a lot more feed/shelter space per goat than other livestock)

    I think if they were my goats I would take the bully out of the mix and go ahead and put the new goats in with the others. Once they are all used to each other and getting along then you can try introducing the more aggressive one back into the herd.

    Are these new goats small enough you could set them up a place like a creep feeder where they can get away from the larger, older does if they want too? They have to work out a new pecking order whenever new goats are introduced so some head butting is unavoidable but I would keep an eye on them to make sure things don't get too rough.

    If feeding time is the big problem the smaller more timid ones might just have to be fed their grain in a separate pen until they get older/larger.

    If the problem doe likes to just charge and ram these new goats you could try a ram shield on her. I have never used one on any of our goats but if all else fails it might be worth a try. Here is a link.


    Hope that helps!

  10. Thank you so much for the reply!
    Yes, it really is the 'nice' goat that is the issue. Hubby says that the doe who is the most people friendly is the most aggresive one towards the kids and the doe who is the most "who-cares" towards people tolertes them the most!
    I will go to the feed store tomorrow and ask if they have a 'ram blinder' and try that. There is a big yard and a little yard that I segregate them into each day (I swap them into the opposite yard each day) but it is getting old. I bottled fed the older three and they feel I am mama, but the younger were weaned very early by time I got them (for free)..well, they are sorta use to me feeding them, but they are rather 'skittish' and wary, so a little more work.
    Thank you again and I will let you know how the blinder works :)

  11. Years ago I lost a very special goat and her triplets to this..and later saved other does and their kids just in time. This is a post that any goat keepers should bookmark! They will be glad to have it ready in a moment.

    My computer is back from the computer hospital and doing O.K. and i just read of the award you gave me. Thank-you! I will accept it with gratitude and post as soon as possible. ( Am still grappling with learning how to cope with a computer recovering from amnesia)

  12. This is fascinating stuff, and has shown me you have an enormous amount of experience with goats. I raise an eyebrow in respect!

  13. I hated having our or our friends goats get sick since there were not that many vets around who knew how to treat goats. Great information.

  14. thanks for this handy rference. Much appreciated!

  15. Yes, I with you definitely agree

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