June 30, 2009

Simple Garden Zucchini Bake

4 eggs
1/4 C milk
1/8 C. Vegetable Oil
1/2 tsp pepper
1/2 tsp garlic salt
2 C Shredded Colby-Jack cheese
3/4 C. Pioneer brand buttermilk baking mix
3 C. diced zucchini

Beat together first 5 ingredients. Mix in cheese and baking mix. Stir in zucchini until well blended. Spray sides and bottom of casserole dish with non-stick cooking spray and pour mixture into it. Bake at 350 for 45 minutes.

And you get an easy, quick meal, using some very simple ingredients. Best of all, you can put some of that extra zucchini out of the vegetable garden to good use!

Note: The original recipe did not call for milk but all oil. Which I thought was a lot of oil. This is the reason I did not have milk in the picture of the ingredients but the second time we tried this recipe at home some things were changed. The oil was cut back & milk was added in its place. More cheese was added (because can you really ever have too much cheese?) while the pepper was cut back, etc. This is the recipe I posted. We think it is much better this way!


  1. Jennifer, the recipe sounds great. I am hungry right now, and ready to eat what I see on the screen. It looks good, and sounds fairly easy. Always too many zuc's in the garden!

  2. That looks right down my ally. I can use my eggs and goats milk. However, I'm not familiar with Pioneer Brand but will look for it. Thanks

  3. It sounds great with the cheese, except neither of us likes zucchini! Maybe I can just make a giant cheese casserole, because, like you said, one can never have enough cheese. LOL

  4. It is almost 11pm and I'm thinking about zucchini bread! Jennifer you are a very naughty blogger *going back to stare at the picture*

  5. Oh, that sounds really good and I'm always looking for new ways to use zucchini (and eggs!).


  6. That does look delicious. And maybe I can get my crew to eat it. I have plenty of zucchini and not many ways to prepare it. It is new to us.

  7. Years ago I did have a garden and made zucchini bars, but I know I would have loved making your zucchini bake! It looks scrumptious.

    Nancy in Atlanta

  8. Cool! A new recipe for me to try. My husband loves zucchini and I'm starting to like it better too.

  9. Oh, I'm so going to try this out. After all, I do have fifty seven more bags of zucchini in the deep freeze to use up before I plant that garden in the spring. Um, one less zucchini plant maybe? After all, my hips could use less zucchini bread on them....


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