June 05, 2009

Never Give Up

Never give up. Sometimes our goals might seem like they are out of reach. Like all we can do is look up and dream about them but we just have to keep trying. If we want to reach our goals we must keep working to achieve them and someday we will make those dreams a reality.

The goat in the video is our Boer buck "Joker". Don't worry, even though he has lots of grass and other browse to eat, after seeing him work that hard for those particular leaves I did pull a limb down for him so he could reach all those special leaves without having to work quite so hard for them. Sometimes we all need a helping hand once in awhile, especially with those really high goals.


  1. Yes, sometimes our striving and reaching for what to others seems unattainable IS really out of our reach, but not our Heavenly Fathers'! And then there are the times we need His help and discernment to actually achieve those very goals! Inspiring post, very handsome buck, thank-you.

  2. Oh how sweet. I love how you wrapped your sweet lesson in goat fur. Brilliant.

  3. I love goat parables. Thank you for the morning 'uplift'.

  4. You got to get him a sturdy table to stand on Jennifer. Go swipe one of those large wooden spools from your cable company. A while back, we loaded up three of 'em.

  5. I'm so very glad you rewarded Joker's hard work and confident efforts!

    Nancy in Atlanta

  6. Awww...great message! And video...he sure is a determined little guy! Musta been some really special leaves! Glad you helped him out. :)

  7. I love watching my goats do that. They always want to highest leaves don't they?

  8. They are funny, aren't they. Mine seem to stick their entire bodies through a 6" hole in the fence 'cause of course the grass is greener on the other side....

  9. I would love to be able to find one of those sturdy wooden spools for the goats. So far I haven't been able too but I will keep looking. It is hard to see but at the very end of the video he did manage to grab one leaf. Then I helped him get some more.

  10. Oh, absolutely. The best things in life generally are those that we work the hardest for. Thanks, Jennifer.

  11. Hi Jennifer, Thanks for visiting my blog. I am enjoying yours. I love your goats.. So neat!!!!

    Come back to my blog anytime and I'll check yours out also.

  12. Thanks for sharing such a sweet video. We all need a "lift" sometimes!!!

  13. Oh these goats!!They do keep trying , even when it seems hopeless. Very good lesson for us all.

  14. Great video!
    Great post!
    Great message!
    Thank you!

  15. At first I thought he was gonna try jumping out, until I realized it was the tree leaves he was after. He's a beautiful, big boy!

    I'm so glad you're back!!!


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