June 09, 2009

Love at First Sight - Farm Photo of the Week

New mother Nifty and her just born new buckling bond. Nifty is a great mother to her kids. This picture was taken last year. This spring Nifty had twins, a buckling and a doeling.


  1. awww, what a sweet a picture!

  2. That is certainly a picture of love. Absolutely! It confirms all over again how much animals feel in their own world.

    Gorgeous photo.

    And just look at those long legs! Maybe you should rename her Julia Roberts. ;)

  3. Since it's all red, is it a full-blooded Boer goat? real cute.

  4. Awww, I love the spindly legs. They are so cute when they first start to walk, aren't they. And then they start to hop...and least mine did!

  5. Oh my goodness they are both so adorable.

  6. Such a sweet Mom and baby photo. For sure that's a keeper!

  7. Cute pic.
    You just make me miss my goats.

    I think I have got my computer problems worked also. I have been reading just haven't been able to comment.But I am still around ;)

  8. Awh,such an adorable picture! :)

    In answer to your question, I use a Nikon D60 dSLR, gift from hubby to me last December. :-) I really like it!

  9. Hi again Jennifer, be sure to read my blog in the morning, I have a surprise for you! :-)

  10. Aww, that is so sweet! They are both gorgeous! I really hope I can get some goats sometime soon.

  11. That is a beautiful picture. It is so wonderful to catch a glimpse of a mother of any species as they look lovingly at their young!You caught that for sure in this picture.

  12. Just precious! Thanks for sharing, momma & baby sure look nice!

  13. Gosh that's so sweet. Is there anything more adorable on earth than baby animals? I think not.

  14. Awwwwww! How adorable! I think I'll be smiling for hours now. Thanks for spreading the beauty ;)

  15. Baby Goats Rock! So do their mommas

  16. I could never be a goat farmer, I would spend all my day picking them up. I know of a woman who keeps two mini goat does and every spring I love to go look at the tiny kids, so cute.


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