June 01, 2009

Celebrate with Soap Giveaway

Just what am I celebrating you ask? Our high speed Internet service has been fixed! I told you I would be back! It only took 3 weeks, some unreturned phone calls, several no show appointments and just a little bit of aggravation...just a little bit, (OK, that is a fib) but in the end he finally showed up and fixed it.

I really thought with my absence I would come back to find readers had lost interest and followers had moved on but that wasn't the case at all which really made my day I have to admit. I am so greatly appreciative of every person who has stuck with me and shown me friendship and support over the last year on this blog with their wonderful comments. I am also thankful I have an outlet to share our farm and goat herd with others, so I don't completely annoy my husband talking about the goats. I thought a good way to show my appreciation would be with a big THANK YOU and a Giveaway!

What is the prize you ask? Two large bars of handmade Shiloh Prairie Goat Milk Soap, straight from our farm and made with milk from our dairy goat Dym and her two daughers Penny and Rose. There will also be a 3rd surprise bonus included. I would tell you what it is but that kind of ruins the whole surprise part now doesn't it? Now pay attention because the important instructions on how to enter for a chance to win are below.

In order to enter the Celebrate with Soap Giveaway just leave a comment on this post saying you want to be entered in the contest for a chance to win for one entry.

If you don't have a blogger or other account you can still enter. Just leave a comment under "anonymous" and leave your email in your comment so I can reach you if you win.

You can also get extra entries by doing the following:
  • Blog about this contest on your blog or site for an extra entry. Please leave a link to it here.
  • Or/And tell about it on Facebook for one more entry.
  • Or/And Twitter it for one more entry.
  • Or/And Stumble it for one more entry.
So it is possible to have up to 5 entries in this contest by doing the above listed things but to get those extra entries, you MUST leave a comment on this post with a link to your post on your blog about this giveaway to get your extra entry. You must also let me know if you did any of the other things listed above so I will know how many entries to give you credit for. Otherwise I won't know to give them to you. I don't want anyone to miss an extra entry that they should have gotten because I never knew about it. Thank you.

This contest is open to any reader with a US or Canadian address. The Soap giveaway starts Monday June 1st and will be open until Sunday, June 7 at 12 A.M. Central time. My impartial husband who doesn't read his wife's blog (terrible isn't it?) will draw one name and the winner will be announced on Monday, June 8Th.


  1. Hi there! I'm visiting from SITS, I love your blog! :-) I love SITS, I've found so many great blogs on there. Glad to hear you got your internet back, I think I would go into withdrawal without mine! :-)

  2. Hi I'm a new visitor. But would love to try the soap. I did not know you could make it with Goat Milk. Have a great day.

  3. Me me. I want goat's milk soap. I am so addicted to the stuff. I can't wait until I have enough milk from my girls to make some. Right now they can't keep up with their babies and my baby.

    I will twitter at carolynfruit.

  4. I would like to enter in this fun give away! Good to see you back Jennifer!

  5. Yeahhhhh your back,woot!!Glad you got it all worked out,you were missed;)The soap and flowers is gorgeous..

  6. pick me, pick me :-) about time you got that dang internet fixed, glad you're back Jennifer.

  7. I would love to join! First of all, I'm thrilled that you're back again! That said, I've always been fascinated by your soap! Off to twitter and facebook right away!

  8. I'm on it! Welcome back and thanks for the incentive to share your blog with the world. It is deserving!

    I think I can speak for everyone when I say we have missed you Jennifer.

  9. Welcome Back! I have missed your blogging!

  10. Welcome back! I'd love some of your goat soap...thanks!

  11. Gorgeous soap! Please enter me. :) (and pick me! LOL ) :)

  12. i would love to be entered thanks for the giveaway

  13. I have missed you! I've checked every day to see if you've been able to get access - congratulations on finally making it! And yes, I'd love to be entered into the contest. I've been dying to try goat's milk soap!

    Thank you....
    Nancy in Atlanta

  14. Congrats on your return to the internet! :) We had to crash our computeR (again) b/c I deleted some processes that were apparently important! Oops!

    I'd love to be entered to win your soap! Enter me please!

  15. Hey there..and What a generous offering!!
    I love the goat milk soap, but enjoy seeing your photos and blog also. Keep up the fun blogging!!

  16. I would LOVE to receive some soap from your farm ! We are having give-aways at the same time ! How fun......please enter my name in your drawing, (Impartial Husbabn, pick me! )

    Glad your internet is back up, and I like what you said about blogging, I am finding that writing about our place is fulfilling in some way and I don't yak on too much when my husband comes home...he gets a little break!Plus, he gets a much more editied account of my day when he reads the blog!

  17. Glad your internet is back up! Hooray for that!

  18. welcome to the world of high speed!
    I'd love an entry and I just put your link on today's post too :-)


    yay goat soap!

  19. My baby sister Alix said I should enter, so here I am. Kiss the goats for me!!

  20. My Nubian wethers goat, Brownie, says that he wants to know how you get soap from a goat. He's always concerned about things like this. I'll have a talk with him and explain that it doesn't hurt the goats.
    Please enter me in your giveaway so I have a chance to win the soap.
    Glad your internet problems are fixed.

  21. Glad to see you back up and running!


  22. I waited for a bit before I posted...I am posting to say I am glad you are back! Do not enter me in for goat milk soap...even though I am truly addicted and think there is nothing better than goat milk soap. Good seeing you, and I hope the break in internet never happens again!

  23. Please enter me in your giveaway since I like goats milk soap. Thank you

  24. I love goat milk soap. Hope to be making some of our own very soon, but having to rely on the talent of others for a bit longer.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  25. Jennifer - You have a starring role on Casa Hice, my Facebook Page, and on my Twitter. Looks like I'm entered three ways. I feel the luck just pouring over me. But if my sister Mona wins, she'll just have to share with me since I sent her over {waving at Mo in Texas!}.

  26. So glad to see you up and running! Please enter me in your wonderful giveaway!

  27. Hi, I just stopped over from CASA HICE! She raves about your soap! Nice to meet you. I'll be back again soon.

  28. Enter me, please.

  29. Your soaps sound wonderful. Please enter me to win.
    Thank you.

  30. Glad you're back!! I am jealous of your hi-speed internet...but I can dream, right!?
    I'd love to be entered in your goat soap giveaway...here's my post link..

  31. I would like some soap!!!

  32. Oh, yes! PLEASE put me in the drawing, Please Please PLEASE!

    My husband doesn't read my blog either, although the whole thing is about him! Ha!


  33. I have never used handmade or goats milk soap. So please enter me and I will keep my fingers and toes crossed.

  34. I'm up for entering a give-away, especially one for goat milk soap!
    I'm really glad you got your internet back-missed you!

  35. Oh! Please enter me...I would love some nice goat soap!

  36. Homemade soap is one of lifes greatest offerings. Thamks for the giveaway.

  37. I want to be entered in the contest.
    1bmore @ gmail . com

  38. There's a farm near us that makes their own goat milk soap and lotions. I love it!

  39. I love homemade soap. Please enter me.


  40. seriously....how cute are those goats? I have never tried goat's milk soap so count me in! Off to follow you on Twitter!!

  41. Please enter me.
    Thank you so much for the chance to win.

  42. Hello! Epona142 from The Goat Spot. Would love to try some of that soap. I stumbled ya as well. Beautiful Boers you have.

  43. Hi I have just found your blog! I'd be so excited to win this giveaway :)

    All the best,

  44. Please enter me for a chance to win the soap! Thank you so much!

  45. First time visitor and so glad I stopped by...maybe I'll get lucky and when some fabulous soap!

  46. I've never tried Goat's Milk Soap but I bet it's wonderful! This is my first visit and I am really enjoying it :-)


  47. Great to have you back! And goat soap! I would love some! I tried my first bar a few weeks ago, and I LOVE IT! Thanks for the opportunity, I am going to post it on my blog for a second chance! Thanks!

  48. I love handmade soap so please enter me.

    madamerkf at aol dot com

  49. Hi! I want to be entered in the contest for a chance to win! And I wish I lived closer to your farm - I need to buy goat milk so I can make goat cheese! asthenight at gmail dot com

  50. Tweet! http://twitter.com/AsTheNight/status/2055396724 asthenight at gmail dot com

  51. I think I may have missed the cut-off for your contest? But if not, here's my comment for one entry. I hate to tweet about it in case it's closed, so I won't tweet for fear of embarrassing myself! :-0

    Glad you are back with your internet connection, I can't imagine how frustrating that must have been!

    Thanks for popping by my blog and entering MY giveaway! Good to hear from you. :)

  52. No Oz Girl you didn't miss the cut-off. The deadline to enter is at midnight tonight! Thanks to everyone that has entered so far!

  53. Ok, then, I just tweeted your giveaway! :-)

  54. I love goat milk soap!
    believedreamcourage (at) gmail.com

  55. Hi There,
    Your goaps milk soap looks yummy. I do cold process as well and goats milk is my favorite. Yours looks so professional and mine looks like grandma was in a hurry. I love your site, it is so homey.


Thanks for visiting my farm blog. I always appreciate comments and questions.