June 08, 2009

And the Winner Is...

Bears Fan! Congratulations!

The drawing was done outdoors because the lighting is so poor in the house, maybe it was a little too bright outdoors because the name on the paper is hard to see in the video (sorry about that!) but Bears Fan was the name drawn and is the Soap Giveaway winner! Congratulations! I will be contacting you for your address and you can expect 2 bars of Shiloh Prairie Goat Milk Soap and an extra something special in your mailbox soon!

I want to thank every person that entered the soap giveaway. A lot more people entered than I thought there would be and that made it fun to find out who the winner would be. For everyone that did not win this time, don't worry...this giveaway turned out so well and was so much fun I have decided to do another giveaway on this blog at some point in the future, so there will be more chances to win!

I also want to thank my husband Jamey, who bravely let me take video of him drawing the winner's name. He did make me promise not to show his face, he was embarrassed. So I honored his request. After he saw the video his only exclamation was "Did you have to show my belly!"


  1. Ahh I missed the soap! When will you do another drawing?

  2. Jamey made the same remark my husband makes when I show some pictures of him! I think my husband, (Jim) is getting used to me posting his picture now , but I did not give him a choice....poor guy!

  3. Woohoo, congrats to Bears Fan! Once I'm working again, I'm gonna have to buy a few bars of that soap. ;)

    LOL, that was my hubby's response also, when I took the pics of him at roping practice a few weeks ago. They are so funny about their bellies!

  4. thank you for having such a great giveaway! congrats to the winner :-)

  5. Congrats to the winner and LOL to Jamey though, it would be kind of hard cutting him all the way out of the video though.

  6. OMG, a GOAT FARM!? What an awesome blog, so unique! haha! I'm excited to read more, this is SO adorable!!

    I just found you from SITS :)

  7. durn, maybe I'll win next time. :-)

    Congrats Bears Fan.

  8. Congratulations Bear's Fan. I'm jealous as hell. But in a nice way. :)

  9. Thanks So much Jennifer and Jamey! And thank you all for the congratulations! I wish I could share with you all! lol...Looking forward to the mailman cometh! lol

  10. Thank you for becoming a follower on my blog. I love reading about your farm and animals especially your goats and beautiful guardian dogs.

  11. I know your winner will enjoy your soap; that was a fabulous giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity to win.


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