January 26, 2009

Soap Questions Answered

I was asked some questions about our goat's milk soap, so I wanted to take the time and answer them.

Alix asked: "Do you make your soap to sell retail, or just for family use?" Yes I do sell my soap! I started out several years ago just making it for my family and friends but recently branched out into selling homemade goat milk soap. Anybody that would like to know more can go to the soap page on my website for more info. Or just go to our farm website at www.kansasboergoats.com and look for the "Goat's Milk Soap" link. I have been recently caught off guard with a high number of orders, but I have been VERY busy making more soap to fill up our inventory again! I am hoping to get the whole shopping cart thing figured out soon for my website!

Patrice asked: "What recipe do you use?" I will post a very good recipe that I have used many times in the past that is a good recipe for beginners and makes a good bar of soap. Best of all, the ingredients can easily be found at Wal-Mart or your local grocery stores. I will try to do this tomorrow and I will include the basic instructions for making soap at home. :) ** Edited to add** Except for lye, that is not as easy to find as it once was and usually has to be bought online.

Joanna asked: "What technique do you use?" I use the cold process method. This is what I prefer but there are other methods too. Also thank you Joanna for posting what kind of camera you use! Your pictures are always so crisp and the colors so true on your blog!

I really want to thank everyone for the questions and nice comments you leave on my blog. I always really appreciate them!

LOL Claire! They do look like butter sticks in that picture! But they don't come with any extra calories! In real life they are a very pretty, light tannish cream color, not butter or cheese yellow! Really! :) Though the goat's milk and olive oil does give it a more cream color than true white but I guess I need to actually read the user's manual for my camera to see if I can adjust the way it takes pictures in the house. Of course I took a picture the other day of the dogs outside and it is making my Great Pyrenees dogs look yellow too. I guess as long as I have this camera I will be living in a mellow yellow world!


  1. good info and I'll be looking forward to your followup. I was watching a YouTube the other night about soapmaking, she made it seem very involved although she kept saying how easy it was. Along with my eggs, I'd lke to sell some at the Farmers Market.

  2. I love reading your blog Jennifer and I'm glad I "met" you on the goat forums and glad I can call you my friend and glad I can chat with you every once in awhile on the phone.

  3. Jenn, great post! I love how you described the tweaking of the original recipes. It is an enjoyable craft.

  4. Thanks for all of this information. I really enjoy coming here to visit.


  5. Thanks for another great post Jennifer! I appreciate the answers and look forward to seeing your soap recipe - not that I would know what to DO with it, but it's neat just knowing these things... like when I'm on Jeopardy and it's the Final Jeopardy round, and the answer is "Goat milk and lye combine to make this..."

    I feel richer already.


Thanks for visiting my farm blog. I always appreciate comments and questions.