January 19, 2009

My First Goat Video

I am sure nobody doubts just how much I like my goats, there is plenty of evidence of that since my photo albums and computer has more pictures of goats (and cats, dogs, horses etc) than people, but just in case anyone does I share with you the first video I have ever made. Guess what it is...goats! Actually it stars "Painted Rock" one of the farm's Boer does. She has been a curious girl ever since she was born right here on our farm. She always wants to know what is going on in her world and she was quite curious about what was going on this day. Trouble, Hope and Dot only get a few seconds of screen time, but they were rather bored with it all anyway. The protectors of the herd, our Great Pyrenees dogs Dreyfus and Bayla make a cameo, as you can see Bayla has recovered nicely from her surgery and is back at work! She will get her stitches out today or tomorrow.


  1. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, and what gorgeous dogs!!!

  2. Nice video, I have lots of animal pictures too on my computer and on photo websites but I also have pictures of my family too.

  3. looking real snazzy Painted Rock, you're being broadcasted all over the world now.

    That's good do some more.

  4. This is neat! Thank you! Love your animals!


  5. I was actually messing around with the video editing program on my computer and I had put credits on the end, but my husband laughed at me so I took them off. LOL

  6. Love it! I have yet figured out how to upload a video to my computer and then post it. My husband is a truckdriver and travels through Kansas alot. He has been known to take a goat for me.... so who knows one day you might have one of Hidden Havens spotted kids!

  7. Painted Rock looks really curious about what you're doing! A natural born star. Your GPs are beautiful!
    Nancy in Atlanta

  8. Isn't the Blogger video feature fun? I need to take advantage of it more. The beast is looking great!

  9. Oh wow...this was great! I got one of those tiny cameras for Christmas and am still trying to figure it all out....but I, too, will be doing videos of my goats!!! Thanks for the smile you put on my face watching yours beauties!!!


  10. My family thinks I'm nutz cause I talk about chickens all the time. My daughter wants two goats really badly...she already has their names picked out so I showed her your video. It made her want them even more.

  11. Hi Shiloh! Greetings from Casa Hice. Thanks so much for stopping by for a read and leaving such a nice comment.

    I LOVE Painted Rock! I would be hugging that goat if I only could. Gosh how sweet they all are. You're very lucky to be living the dream!

  12. Love the goats and the dogs are so majestic looking..Beautiful!!

  13. I'm rather impressed, still pictures are difficult enough!


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