January 29, 2009

My Favorite Guys - Farm Photo of the Week

This is a picture of my absolute two favorite guys on the farm, my husband Jamey and my favorite dog Dreyfus. Who is enjoying a belly rub in this picture. Dreyfus is a Great Pyrenees and one of our livestock guardian dogs. He is a very special fellow. We try not to go overboard with the attention to our working dogs as not to distract from their bond with the goats, but Dreyfus has always been able to balance getting his attention and a belly rub and then going back to his goats on his own. Jamey is pretty awesome too, we met my first year in high school and have been together ever since. He has an amazing sense of humor and is pretty special too.


  1. Don't scare me like that... your husband looks like Jamey SPEARS (as in Britney's father), but then I realized they were in Louisiana.

    Great photo Jennifer. I love happy people and dogs.

    And I love your blog!

  2. How fun, we try not to give ours much attention either but they ask for it though but they still go about their business!

  3. Thanks for sharing this great photo ! Your dog is so unusual looking as we don't get that breed here - he's really lovely :)

  4. Thank you Alix & Amy

    Thanks Lynda, he is a big, polar bear and look at those fuzzy paws of his! When the goat herd and dogs are in the large, rougher pastures I trim the long hair on his paws or he gets burs stuck in them. All that hair does keep them warm in the winter though!

  5. Love those dogs--the bigger, the better, I say! And I've always admired working dogs; they're so dedicated and love what they do.

  6. Funny dog!!! He is huge.. Like the picture too

  7. That's a great picture,what a lucky goil you are;)

  8. Dreyfus is very handsome!!!!
    oh and hubby's not bad either ; )

  9. Happy smiling hubbies are a joy! Dreyfus' face in this picture is priceless.

  10. Thank you all for the kind comments. I always enjoy reading them. Yes, the "smile" on Dreyfus's face is my favorite part of this picture. He looks so happy.


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